info Overview
Name - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s full name?

Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang

Age - How old is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang?


Gender - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang go by?


Role - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s role in your story?

Oliver's best friend

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang style their hair?

Really short (chin length) with bangs. She used to cut it herself, but Anna or Lila does it now.

Hair Color - What color is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s hair?


Height - How tall is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang?


Weight - How much does Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang weigh?

135 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang have?

Slight gap between her two front teeth

Body Type


Race - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s race?


Eye Color - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s eye color?

Dark brown

fingerprint Nature

Reckless, joyful. Loves life.

Mental Health/Learning Disabilites


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang have?

Often playing with a ball if some kind

Hobbies - What hobbies does Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang have?

Basketball, softball,

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s favorite food?

Korean fried chicken

Favorite color - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s favorite color?


info History
Background - What is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s background?

Sam's parents and older brother died in a car crash when she was 4. She was the only survivor but she didn't have any family. She's bounced from home to home for as long as she can remember because she's a "troubled kid". Her last home was in Oregon, but she was molested by the basketball coach and her foster parent. Her social worker wanted to get her as far from Oregon as possible, so she sent her to where Oliver lives. Basketball was kinda ruined for her until she met Oliver. He was the first friend that she ever made. He offered to play with her when she came during the offseason and she instantly felt comfortable around him. She wasn't really planning on making such a close friend, but Oliver helped her and introduced her to other people. Now, she's really popular at school with the jocks. She's fairly happy with her new foster home. She's still considered a "bad kid" and she still sneaks out, but they're pretty okay and they don't hit her, which is really all she wants.

Birthday - When is Samantha Mi-Gyeong Chang’s birthday?

May 1

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Element: Fire

favorite Attraction
Sexual Attraction


Romantic Attraction


Sexual Attraction/Romantic Attraction

Demisexual biromantic

accessibility_new Typical Outfit

Beat up red converse

home Hogwarts House
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