info Overview
Name - What is Oliver Mercado’s full name?

Oliver Mercado

Age - How old is Oliver Mercado?


Gender - What is Oliver Mercado’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Oliver Mercado go by?


Role - What is Oliver Mercado’s role in your story?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Oliver Mercado style their hair?

Kinda short

Hair Color - What color is Oliver Mercado’s hair?

Dark brown

Height - How tall is Oliver Mercado?


Weight - How much does Oliver Mercado weigh?

125 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Oliver Mercado have?


Body Type

Short, slightly muscular

Skin Tone


Race - What is Oliver Mercado’s race?

Filipino American

Eye Color - What is Oliver Mercado’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oliver Mercado have?

None (He has this really weird thing against facial hair. Like he hates it)

fingerprint Nature

Struggles with remaining calm a lot of the time. Observant, naturally curious, enthusiastic, really good at communicating, friendly. Mom friend. Loves his friends and constantly worries about them.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Oliver Mercado have?

Fidgets with jewelry a lot (playing with the beads on his bracelets, twisting his rings). Taps fingers when nervous

Motivations - What motivates Oliver Mercado most?

When he first got his powers he first discovered what his Superbeam was by accidentally killing very naive kid who was brainwashed by villain. He was devastated by it and tries to be really careful.

Flaws - What flaws does Oliver Mercado have?

Really competitive, can't back away from a challenge. Gets really violently angry when provoked, completely irrational and violent. Really wants to be "the chill guy" but struggles a lot with anger issues.
Overthinks a lot, can't focus very well, gets stressed easily.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Oliver Mercado have?

Racists, Homophobic people, people who are rude, people who are annoying (he has zero chill when it comes to any of these people)

Talents - What talents does Oliver Mercado have?

Can manipulate air (flying, making others and objects fly) and manipulate (flash in people's eyes, concentrate already existing light into "Superbeam" which can completely destroy or melt something) and create light (can only create small bits of light)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Oliver Mercado have?

Gymnastics and acrobatics (self taught, really just wanted to be able to do flips and stuff cause it's "cool")
Plays guitar and piano

Personality type - What personality type is Oliver Mercado?


groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Oliver Mercado’s favorite possession?

His jewelry cause each piece was either given to him by someone special or has an important meeting.

Favorite weapon - What is Oliver Mercado’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Oliver Mercado’s favorite animal?


Favorite food - What is Oliver Mercado’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Oliver Mercado’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Oliver Mercado’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Oliver Mercado have?

Pretty liberal

Religion - What religion does Oliver Mercado practice?

Non-practicing Catholic

info History
Background - What is Oliver Mercado’s background?

When he first got his powers he first discovered what his Superbeam was by accidentally killing very naive kid who was brainwashed by villain. He was devastated by it and tries to be really careful.

Education - What is Oliver Mercado’s level of education?


Birthday - When is Oliver Mercado’s birthday?

June 6, 2001

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Oliver Mercado have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

His powers started to develop around puberty. At first it was just bending small bits of already existing light and moving light objects with wind and changing the direction of wind. Then he taught himself how to levitate and levitate objects, and how to concentrate and aim light. Got better and now he can levitate himself, levitate large objects, and aim very concentrated rays of light and create small bits of light from nothing.

favorite Attraction
Sexual Attraction


Romantic Attraction


accessibility_new Typical Outfit
Superhero Costume

Tight very light grey (almost white) pants and shirt (from thrift store), white knee high boots (also from thrift store) that he decorated with gold. Very light grey (almost white) robes with hood and sleeves embellished with gold.

Everyday Outfit

Jeans and dark yellow pants rolled up at ankle. T-shirts with denim jacket, plaid shirt under sweater, or flannel shirt over graphic t-shirt.


High top converse or boots.


2-4 rings and bracelets on both wrists.

home Hogwarts House
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Oliver Mercado is included in the following collections
Superheroes by @andrew
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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Oliver Mercado

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