info Overview
Name - What is Keon Sodalite’s full name?

Keon Sodalite

Age - How old is Keon Sodalite?


Gender - What is Keon Sodalite’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Keon Sodalite go by?

(undecided atm)
His name is pronounced 'Key-on'

Role - What is Keon Sodalite’s role in your story?

2nd Main Character probably

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Keon Sodalite’s eye color?

Electric blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Keon Sodalite have?


Hair Style - How does Keon Sodalite style their hair?

Messy and all over the place. He keeps it a bit longer because he likes it that way.

Hair Color - What color is Keon Sodalite’s hair?

Black with a tint of blue

Height - How tall is Keon Sodalite?

5'6 ft

Weight - How much does Keon Sodalite weigh?

127 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Keon Sodalite have?

His gemstone, the Sodalite, is located on the inside of his left forearm. Its starting to become corrupt, causing his powers to malfunction and gradually turning his gemstone black, if he uses his powers it could cause him to physically explode. This defect makes it hard for him to express emotion because his human form is caused by his gemstone's powers so he often has a blank face, even though he might be happy or sad. Keon also has eye bags from staying up at night trying to find ways to fix his gemstone.

Body Type

He has a normal body type, his legs are a bit long and has a little muscles.

Skin Tone

Warm ivory

Race - What is Keon Sodalite’s race?

Crystalite. The Crystalites have take over the form of humans because it is one of the easier forms for them to take.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Keon Sodalite have?

He likes to read human stories because he finds them interesting. Keon also reads books the Chrystalites brought back from their original planet and he believes they have the cure for fixing corrupt gemstones in them. He also has this weird thing with origami where he can only make butterflies and nothing else, but he does that a lot in his free time.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Keon Sodalite have?

Keon is almost constantly blank-faced and its pretty hard to tell what hes feeling at the moment. He tends to roll his eyes a lot but usually doesn't realize he is doing it. He tends to fiddle with his hands a lot when hes nervous or has nothing to do and bounces his leg when sitting down.

Motivations - What motivates Keon Sodalite most?

Fixing his gemstone. If he doesn't it could potentially kill him if "The System" doesn't get to him first.

Flaws - What flaws does Keon Sodalite have?

He tends to be pretty blunt when he talks and tells it how it is. Keon is actually really emotional but wouldn't admit it to anyone; secretive. He 100% believes he is defective and useless and that it would be better for the rest of the Chrystalites if he wasn't there, but he doesn't necessarily want to die which is why he wants to fix his gemstone. Keon can be a bit of a pessimist sometimes but that is just how his parents are so that is how he knows to act. He is also very quiet and slightly selfish, he doesn't speak much, but as the story progresses, he starts to get more and more talkative and becomes less selfish. Can sometimes be stubborn and act a bit like a smart a$$.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Keon Sodalite have?

He prejudices against a lot of things, but the biggest thing is probably his parents. He can't stand them and loves being away from them because of the way the treat him.

Talents - What talents does Keon Sodalite have?

His powers were actually incredibly strong before his gemstone started to become corrupt. He also really good at lying and convincing others but usually doesn't unless its need. Can also tell when other people are lying. A boss at parkour.

Personality type - What personality type is Keon Sodalite?

Keon is a bit of a smart-aleck and he knows it. He does mean well and tries to be his best always, but knowing that he could potentially die any moment and with his gemstone being corrupt really takes a lot out of him. He's really smart and playful when he has the energy. All he wants is to be friends with people and be happy but struggles doing both.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Keon Sodalite’s favorite animal?

He doesn't necessarily like animals but he does secretly like butterflies and fireflies.

Favorite weapon - What is Keon Sodalite’s favorite weapon?

It used to be his powers but know he just uses his fighting skills he learned in school, though he isn't the best at it.

Favorite possession - What is Keon Sodalite’s favorite possession?

His books, he takes them everywhere and he has like 5. No one knows where he keeps them and if anyone touched them he would probably explode.

Favorite food - What is Keon Sodalite’s favorite food?

Though Crystalites don't need to eat every day like humans normally would, Keon still does because he loves food so much. His favorite would probably be Cheesecake.

Favorite color - What is Keon Sodalite’s favorite color?

Any shade of blue ofc

Occupation - What is Keon Sodalite’s occupation?

He does go to "school" or more of a place that they teach young Crystalites what they can and can't do and how to use their powers correctly.

Politics - What politics does Keon Sodalite have?

He doesn't agree with "The System." Mostly because he doesn't want to die.

Religion - What religion does Keon Sodalite practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Keon Sodalite’s birthday?

May 17, 2XXX

Background - What is Keon Sodalite’s background?

Keon was created in one of the largest mining projects the Crystalites had on Earth. He was one of the first gemstones to come out of this mining project and his 'parents' saw promise in his gemstone powers and picked him out of thousands of other gems just like him. They choose what he would look like and his level of power based on theirs and what they looked like. He was very powerful like they had predicted, even though his power was water, which was one of the weakest given to blue gems. As soon as they were finished, they pushed him to doing as good in school and training as he possibly could. Keon never minded being pushed that hard because he loved training with his powers. One day, the was walking home from a day at 'school' and the started to feel sick and dizzy. He ended up passing for a couple of hours. He checked his gemstone and found that it was gradually turning black, then stopped about 1/7 of the way up. He had no idea what was going on and was kind of freaked out so he ran home as fast as he could and showed his parents his gemstone. They were horrified to find that his gemstone was slowly becoming corrupt. After this, they wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. They decided not to turn him in to "The System" because he was still their son, but they were extremely disappointing. Keon is still unsure of what he did to make his parents hate him and he thinks about it constantly. Slowly over time the corruption got worse and it has gotten to the point that if he uses his powers he gets very pale, will probably pass out, and he will start bleeding from his nose or mouth. The corruption of his gem has also made it hard for him to express emotion through his face which is slightly intimidating lol. It is slowly crippling him and if he doesn't get it fixed soon, he will eventually die. All most all of his backstory is unknown to the main character throughout about half of the story/comic.

Education - What is Keon Sodalite’s level of education?

Hes gotten the average level of education for someone his age and power. He used to excel at all of his classes until.. y'know, his gemstone became corrupt. (sorry I feel like I keep mentioning that over and over again xD)

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folder_open Clothes

He usually wears anything blue. You'll never see him with his scarf off even if its like 100 degrees outside because it makes him feel safe and comfortable. Keon is always wearing anything blue. The Crystalites tend to wear clothes based on the color of their gemstones.

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This character was created by Hadlee Marshall on

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