info Overview
Name - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s full name?

Harmony "Aventurine"

Age - How old is Harmony "Aventurine"?


Gender - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Harmony "Aventurine" go by?

(Un decided atm)

Role - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s role in your story?

Main Character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s eye color?

Dark Jade green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Harmony "Aventurine" have?


Hair Style - How does Harmony "Aventurine" style their hair?

Her hair is naturally wavy at the bottom and ends at about the middle of her back. She lets the left side of her uneven bangs fall just barely over her left eye while the other side of her bangs (which she grew out longer) is pulled back and held by a white bow in the back of her head.

Hair Color - What color is Harmony "Aventurine"’s hair?

A lighter version of maple brown.

Height - How tall is Harmony "Aventurine"?

5'4.5 ft

Weight - How much does Harmony "Aventurine" weigh?

119 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

Unlike the rest of the world, she is full human. So instead of having a gemstone, she has nothing. She also carries a necklace with a fake gemstone (its green and slightly translucent, like the gemstone, Aventurine, the one that her adoptive family has) that her older adoptive brother gave her.

Body Type

The body of an average 14 year old. Shes just beginning to mature so you can image how her body would look.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s race?

She is human but has to pretend she is a Crystalite (the race that has taken over Earth) for her own safety.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

Her hobbies include loving her brother, Eli, and her best friends, (Keon and the other one lol).
Harmony practices fighting a lot in her alone time. She loves singing and humming little tunes or songs shes heard the Crystalites sing. Shes also really good at fishing and actually loves it for some reason.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

She tends to get happy and excited really easily. She hums to herself little jingles she makes up on her own while shes thinking or performing a task. She giggles a lot and is rarely found without a smile on her face. When she does get nervous or scared Harmony tends to hold her hands in front or behind her. She also covers her face and blushes when embarrassed or when she feels awkward.

Motivations - What motivates Harmony "Aventurine" most?

The hope that she might one day find her human parents or another human at all. Making all the friends she possibly can and one day be able to walk around without the fear of her loosing her life. And trying to find why the Crystalites gemstones are becoming corrupted, more about Crystalites can be found in Harmony's 'notes'.

Flaws - What flaws does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

She does get angry quite a bit, but she never shows it. She tends to be very secretive about how she feels so she doesn't burden any more then she already feels she does. She doesn't hold grudges very often because she knows how it feels to be hated. She often walks straight into danger without realizing it and can be a bit oblivious from time to time by getting easily distracted. Harmony is a little childish at the beginning of the story but starts to mature as time goes on and becomes less childish, less oblivious, and just more mature in general. But during this time, she starts to get annoyed a lot easier. She starts to mature as she learns more about "The System" and more life changing things happen to her. She has a very hard time staying in one place for longer then a day or two and is always wanting to go on adventures. She also gets bored very easily. Can be gullible when certain people tell her things and believes things very easily. Harmony can also be overambitious and is constantly wanting to succeed in every she does. She has a hard time accepting defeat. Can be overprotective to her adoptive brother and friends. She can't stand being alone. Shes gotten to the point where she hates it and can't stand it. It even gets so bad that when she even hears the word Human, she can break down and start crying from knowing that shes alone.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

She does prejudice against "The System" because they are the ones who had supposedly driven humanity to extinction and replaced them with the Crystalites. She also sometimes blames the Crystalites for everything but then she realizes they really had no say in everything that happened. She does sometimes feel guilty about being human. She has grown up hearing from people around her how humans are terrible and this and that, so she does prejudice against humans from hearing all the 'bad' things about them, but she is one and doesn't want them to go extinct. No one really wants her around, no one wants her alive, and the people that take care of her really had no say in if they would take her in or not. She sometimes wishes that she wasn't Human, then maybe she wouldn't burden the world and her adoptive family so much.

Talents - What talents does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

She has some pretty boss fighting skills from being alone in her basement teaching herself while her adoptive family is out. Crystalites have powers generated by their gemstones, but since she is not a Crystalite, she does not have a power or gem. She has amazing puzzle solving skills and can usually recognize when something is a trap. Shes also a pretty decent singer.

Personality type - What personality type is Harmony "Aventurine"?

Harmony is a Happy, almost carefree girl who is always ready for an adventure! She is definitely not afraid to speak her mind which can cause her to hurt peoples feelings, but she doesn't intend it that way. Shes very loving and kind towards everyone, no matter who they are. She believes that everyone matters, even if they aren't humans like her. Shes very friendly and has a really easy time making friends if she ever gets the chance. Though she acts a bit childish, she is actually very smart and mature when she wants to be. She does get sad and angry a lot, but is very good at pushing those feelings down. Because she does this so much, she'll sometimes just break down and start crying. She tries her very hardest to be happy and see the good side of things, but sometimes she just can't.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s favorite animal?

Anything with fur or that is colorful

Favorite weapon - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s favorite weapon?

Her fighting skills.

Favorite possession - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s favorite possession?

A fake gemstone necklace her brother gave her for her birthday.

Favorite food - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s favorite food?

All food, but mostly sweets.

Favorite color - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s favorite color?

Any pale or light shade of green and pale shades of yellow.

Occupation - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s occupation?

None other than being cute lol

Politics - What politics does Harmony "Aventurine" have?

She absolutely hates the way things are run. It doesn't have an affect on her personally but she often hears her adoptive parents talking about how ridiculous "The System" works and runs. Most of her beliefs are from things she hears her parents say.

Religion - What religion does Harmony "Aventurine" practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Harmony "Aventurine"’s birthday?


Background - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s background?

Harmony was born into one of the last known human groups on Earth. One day when she was only a few months old, the group had been discovered after a snitch had told "The System" about their location in return for a prize; the group had to run for their lives. Harmony's mother knew that they were all going to die, so she had no choice but to leave Harmony in the forest if she would have any chance of surviving. Luckily, her mother knew of a kind Crystalite family that lived not too far away from there, so she set Harmony down and ran, hoping they were kind enough to take Harmony in. Her mother had known of the family because they had donated food to their secret group.
The family had never really supported "The System" or what they were about. About an hour later, the families oldest son, was outside and could hear Harmony crying. He went and got his parents and they went and found her laying in the tall grass. From then on Harmony lived and grew up with them in their family. They absolutely love Harmony and thing it is hilarious how she is completely "defective", or how she has no powers or gemstone. They are very kind to her and treat her as if she was one of their own. She has been forced to stay in the area at all times and never leave the house without her adoptive parents permission to keep her safe. She has never been rebellious enough to try and run away from her home, Harmony knows that the rules are rules and they are there to protect her, though she has thought about doing it. She is very aware that she is human and knows that there is a very large chance that she is the last human on Earth. She struggles with this information but still tries her best to be happy and kind. Not many people knows she exists, but the few that do, other than her adoptive family, she has convinced that she is a Crystalite and that her gemstone is on her back like the rest of her "family." She picked up the last name Aventurine from her adoptive family. Crystalites tend to have their last name the same as their gemstone.

Education - What is Harmony "Aventurine"’s level of education?

She has never had the type of education most Crystalite children and teens have because it would be dangerously stupid for her to go to any type of Crystalite school(since she is human, and humans can be killed in the spot if anyone finds them), but she has always wondered what it would be like.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Crystalites are very much like humans, they are able to change form to look like Humans, act like Humans, and do basic Human tasks, except eating food like Humans (they only need to eat once a day, if that). They can change form into a lot of different things, but the Human form is one of the most easiest forms for them to take. A Crystalite is mined from the earth like any gemstone would naturally be. Once the Crystalites ran out of resources on their original planet, they found a much bigger one thousands of miles away with plenty of resources for them to use; Earth. Within days they were ready to attack and the Crystalites leaders, which Harmony's adoptive parents call "The System," were ready to inhabit Earth. The Humans tried to fight back, but they were no match with their useless guns and explosives for the Crystalites powers. Soon, there were little to no Humans left on Earth but the few secret Human groups. "The System" decided that it was best if they killed on sight to keep the humans from attack back, they weren't quite sure what the humans were capable of.

Now, about their gemstones. The Crystalites entire existence relies on their gemstone. Crystalites are created by natural minerals that are found here on earth and in their original planet. Precious gems are gathered in giant mines at one time. When the gemstones are ready, "The System" gathers them and allows Crystalites of the same Gem type to come and pick which Gem they would like to be their 'child.' The more rare and powerful gemstones are saved for the more rare and powerful Crystalites. This makes it so that a Rare gemstone, such as Alexandrite and Benitoite, will not have very common and weaker gem children such as Quartz and Citrine. Crystalites with precious gemstones, like Diamonds and Emeralds, tend to be more rich and powerful, physically and in business and work. The common gems, like the ones stated above, tend to live in more of a poor state because it is harder for them to get jobs and material things since there is so many of them. Crystalites also tend to take their last name as the name of their gemstone.

The powers- There are 5 different types of powers the Crystalites can posses based on their color of gemstone: Blue/purple- water, Green- healing, Yellow- electricity, Red/Orange- fire, white/transparent- air. Water and air tend to be the weakest power, while fire and electricity are both the most powerful.

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