info Overview
Name - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s full name?

Lumen Kunaoya

Role - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s role in your story?

Villain. The underboss of the Miyazaki Clan, who spent a great deal of Kai's childhood raising them as his own.

Gender - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s gender?

Trans man (born female, non-binary preferring he/him pronouns)

Other names - What other aliases does Lumen Kunaoya go by?

He was born Aria, but has since legally changed his name. No one knows about his dead name except for the surviving Miyazakis. While Yamato was acting as the godfather in the Miyazaki Clan, Lumen was addressed as "Underboss" or "Underboss Lumen." Since the arrest of Yamato, he have been addressed as "Godfather" or "Boss," but he still lets Kai still calls him "Underboss."

Age - How old is Lumen Kunaoya?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Lumen Kunaoya style their hair?

Short layers of straight hair, swept to the left side.

Hair Color - What color is Lumen Kunaoya’s hair?

Originally dark brown, but it's dyed ice blue, almost white. You can still see dark roots, however.

Weight - How much does Lumen Kunaoya weigh?

157 lb.

Height - How tall is Lumen Kunaoya?

5'10 ft

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lumen Kunaoya have?

He has a small scar running from the right side of their nose to below their right eye from a scuffle in the industry. He also has a slew of scars on their arms, chest, and a few on their hands and legs, also from fighting, but they're also small- it's clear that Lumen is experienced enough to avoid any harsher blows. He also has a black octopus tattoo across his backside, ending around his shoulders and his hips.

Body Type

Tall, has lean muscles and a straight frame. He had chest surgery to remove their breasts at 29, so any signs of their past apple body shape when presenting as female are next-to-impossible to tell.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s race?

Japanese-Mexican, Person of Power

Eye Color - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s eye color?

Dull, pale green. When he's using his coleoideality powers such as shooting ink or transforming into an octopus, his eyes glow ocean blue.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lumen Kunaoya have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Lumen Kunaoya have?

Lumen is motherly and caring to everyone by default, and also carries respect for everyone he meets until they do something to lose it. He's logical and smart, and a capable fighter. He is also loyal, and believe no favor should go unpaid, so he's kind to many people who wouldn't expect it. His power, Coleoideality, allows him to harness the abilities of octopi. He's a naturally good swimmer because of this, and can transform into a coconut octopus at will. He can also shoot ink from his hands or mouth and camouflage as a human, but these take energy to do. He can also regenerate his limbs, fingers, and toes in a hour to two days much like an octopus regenerates their tentacles, but he's extra weak and sensitive while they regenerate. If they're damaged much further during the regeneration process, it can halt regeneration and never grow back.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lumen Kunaoya have?

Tends to walk gracefully and composed with a tall posture and arms behind their back. He speaks calmly and quietly, but without much emotion, which can creep some people out.

Motivations - What motivates Lumen Kunaoya most?

He needs to get food on the table somehow, and is the breadwinner in his life instead of his wife. He was also friends with Yamato Miyazaki for some time, and he helped them out when he was homeless, so Lumen is indebted to Yamato. He also treated Kai as his own child when Yamato couldn't raise them, so Lumen grew attached to Kai like a parent to a child.

Flaws - What flaws does Lumen Kunaoya have?

Lumen is unnervingly frightening to strangers due to his tall stature and their face, which looks too cold and mechanical to be real. He's shy at times, and though it's easy for them to act confident, he worries often while being social. He goes with the flow too much, and figures that he's gone too far to stop in a lot of bad scenarios. He knows he's done bad things, and repress a lot of their emotions over their guilt often, which can make him unstable at times. He isn't as good as Yamato at raising morale, though, so when he inevitably takes over Miyazaki Clan, it's much more unorganized.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lumen Kunaoya have?

There's no changing fate. He also believes that everything happens for a reason, and there's no point in fighting instinct.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lumen Kunaoya have?

Cooking, gardening, taking long walks along the beach unironically

Personality type - What personality type is Lumen Kunaoya?

Lumen is an introvert at his heart, and enjoys being in the background, which makes him a less desirable leader for the Miyazaki Clan. He's witty and smart, and all-around skilled when it comes to fights and crime. He is a firm believer in paying back favors, and cares for his clan immensely. He has a strong sense of honor, even though he doesn't talk about it often, and believe that respect is a given for everybody until they do something to lose it. He acts as a parent to Kai because of his kindness and caring nature as the kid grew up away from their father, Yamato.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s favorite food?

Cong you bing, or onion pancakes. He's pretty much perfected the recipe, and experiment all the time with different herbs and spices.

Favorite animal - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s favorite animal?

Octopi. It's kind of obvious why.

Favorite weapon - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s favorite weapon?

Ink. In theory, it sounds weak, but his ink is thick, sticky and dark, which can blind enemies, hinder their movements, or trap them. Doesn't hurt in fights against germaphobes, either.

Favorite possession - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s favorite possession?

Technically not a possession, but he's especially fond of his backyard garden. It's full of veggies, fruits and herbs, which he uses in his cooking often. He's won awards on his tomatoes, blackberries and strawberries, and he makes a damn good smoothie with his produce.

Favorite color - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s favorite color?

Light blue

Occupation - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s occupation?

Mob underboss, promotes to godfather once Yamato is arrested

Religion - What religion does Lumen Kunaoya practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Lumen Kunaoya’s birthday?

August 30, Virgo

Background - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s background?

Lumen, born Aria, had always been a smart kid. He lived a virtually uneventful life as a child, living with his middle class parents in Karejji Town. However, they always felt uncomfortable about presenting as female, and around his middle school years, it evolved into full-fledged gender dysphoria. Luckily, one of his friends at the time was agender, and helped Lumen with finding gender identities and managing his dysphoria once he confessed that he didn't feel like a girl at age 14. He came out to his school as a demiguy at 15, which got him a few strange looks, but was otherwise treated the same. However, he learned that his parents were more conservative, and didn't believe in transitioning. He hid his identity from his parents as well as he could until age 18, days after high school graduation, where his parents revealed that they overheard parents discussing their child as a trans kid. They kicked Lumen out with nothing but the clothes on his back and a small backpack of his things. Homeless, he camped out outside a fast food joint in Saisho City for years on end, begging for change and supplies. Luckily, at age 23, he made friends with Yamato Miyazaki, who was then a passerby who ate at the fast food restaurant often, and made small talk with the homeless guy outside. One night a year after Lumen's first encounter with Yamato, he got into a fight with someone trying to steal his few things. Yamato, now the leader of his clan, witnessed Lumen beat down the robber with ease, and then offered Lumen a job working for him in the Miyazaki Clan. He agreed, and climbed up the corporate ladder, eventually settling as the new underboss when the former was killed in a spat with the cops when Lumen was 32. Since Yamato was busy, especially as he assisted him men on the field often, he had some of his lowest underlings take care of Kai. Lumen, however, stayed back often and loved Kai like his own child, so he took care of them more often than anyone else in the clan. He was the closest thing Kai had to a parent, and they both bonded, despite not being related. When Yamato was arrested, Lumen stepped up as a leader, but there was an absence of an underboss for some time, and it was clear to his men that he wouldn't be able to fill the void that Yamato left. Nonetheless, Lumen honored the debt he held for Yamato and took the reins of the Miyazaki Clan.

Education - What is Lumen Kunaoya’s level of education?

High school diploma from a public school, had plans to go to college but was kicked out of his home after graduation.

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