info Overview
Name - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s full name?

Kai Miyazaki (Female)

Role - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s role in your story?

The female protagonist. Has access to Caddy, Luke, Jeff and Wallid's romantic routes, and Ian and Jimmy's platonic routes.

Gender - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kai Miyazaki (Female) go by?


Age - How old is Kai Miyazaki (Female)?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kai Miyazaki (Female) style their hair?

It's wavy and just a few inches longer than her mid-back. She usually pulls it up into a high ponytail.

Hair Color - What color is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s hair?

Dark brown

Weight - How much does Kai Miyazaki (Female) weigh?

113 lb.

Height - How tall is Kai Miyazaki (Female)?

5'2. She lampshades that most of the cast is tall, and laments being short around such tall people.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

None. She's still a newbie hero, so she doesn't have very many scars nor stories to tell on her skin.

Body Type

Pear-shaped, but it's not very prominent.

Skin Tone

Not quite tan, not quite pale.

Race - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s race?

Japanese-American, Person of Power

Eye Color - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

She's surprisingly motherly at times when her friends are feeling down. Despite her initial distrust of people, she warms up quickly, and is fiercely loyal and supportive of the friends she does make. She's quick to think, and since she's a strategist, she usually tries to use logic, diplomacy and her own clever tricks before fighting. Her power, Ice Spindle, lets her form ice objects about the size of her hand, which then act as normal ice- it will melt if in a warm enough environment. She mostly creates icicles and throws them like daggers to attack- she has a great aim.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

A fast and smooth talker, very charismatic and expressive. She often holds her hands behind her back.

Motivations - What motivates Kai Miyazaki (Female) most?

She's seen the damage her father's clan has caused, and she's not liking it. She wants to be able to prevent families being murdered and prized possessions being stolen and not have to run from the cops nightly.

Flaws - What flaws does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

She's a liar above all else, whether it's a little white lie or something huge, and doesn't feel much remorse for the lie itself. She can be cold to people without trying to, and she's quite prickly to strangers. She's also morally ambiguous, and no one's quite sure if she's really a good person.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

She doesn't see anything wrong with lying, and if she hadn't seen the effect of the Miyazaki Clan herself, she wouldn't have much of a problem with crime as long as no one gets caught.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

Dancing (alone!!!!!!!!! She knows she's terrible at it, and would never let anyone watch her flail around), getting good deals, watching cherry blossoms

Personality type - What personality type is Kai Miyazaki (Female)?

A liar with a good heart, despite all her morally grey opinions on getting the job done. Nonetheless, she's a good friend to the few she has, and wouldn't hesitate to help them. Despite all this, she tries to act tough, but everyone knows it's a facade, and she's really just the sweetest thing.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s favorite food?

Grilled cheese with rosemary. When they were growing up, their main caretaker, Lumen, brought fresh herbs and food from his garden, and used them often in nearly every dish he made no matter what. As you can imagine, provolone and rosemary were one of the better ideas.

Favorite animal - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s favorite animal?

Snakes. She thinks they're elegant and cute, despite what others think. In fact, she thinks it's kind of silly others are afraid of them. It's especially prominent in Jeff's romantic route, where she and Jeff both care fro a Japanese rat snake together. She names him Ribbons and loves him with every fiber of her being... while Jeff is deathly afraid of snakes.

Favorite weapon - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s favorite weapon?

Her own power, Ice Spindle. She uses it to make daggers or knives in close combat situations, but she's not very good with them. If she has the option, she prefers just making small, stabby icicles to throw at the enemy, as mentioned before.

Favorite possession - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s favorite possession?

A stuffed owl named Howly. She refused to sleep without him by her side when she was younger, and all throughout her years, she still treasured him until the day he was blown up in Miyazaki Tower. She misses him sorely, even if she doesn't bring him up often.

Favorite color - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s favorite color?

Purple. It's the color of royalty, and so rich but so cool.

Occupation - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s occupation?

Ex-villain, licensed heroine affiliated with Hidden Block

Politics - What politics does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

Who needs politics when you can steal what you need?

Religion - What religion does Kai Miyazaki (Female) practice?

Agnostic. Religion wasn't very prominent in her household as she grew up, so she never really cared much for it, nor figuring out if there is a God or not.

info History
Birthday - When is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s birthday?

February 3

Background - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s background?

The next-in-line to the Miyazaki family line. She's been raised to take over the crime syndicate, but the cycle broke when Hidden Block blew up Miyazaki Tower in order to arrest her father. Since her penthouse was destroyed along with the remnants of her family's lineage, Hidden Block offered to let her stay at their base. She agreed, and despite the fact that her everything was blown up, she quickly grew on them and vice versa.

Education - What is Kai Miyazaki (Female)’s level of education?

Homeschooled by Yamato Miyazaki, Lumen Kunaoya, and their underlings. Not interested in getting a college degree, but wouldn't mind studying in heroics.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kai Miyazaki (Female) have?

In Jeff's romantic route, she takes care of a Japanese Rat Snake with Jeff. She names him Ribbons and is enthralled with everything he does- it's like Ribbons is her own child.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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