info Overview
Name - What is Cirina Gevix’s full name?

Cirina Gevix

Age - How old is Cirina Gevix?


Gender - What is Cirina Gevix’s gender?


Role - What is Cirina Gevix’s role in your story?

Goddess of Symbiosis.



face Looks
Hair Style - How does Cirina Gevix style their hair?

Thin, waist-length, frequently appearing wind-tousled. Never styled, simply sits as it sits.

Hair Color - What color is Cirina Gevix’s hair?

Light brown

Eye Color - What is Cirina Gevix’s eye color?

Dark red

Body Type

Very feminine figure. Wide hips, narrow shoulders; small but compact musculature along arms and legs.

Skin Tone

Varies, dependent on region she is in. Is generally on the paler side of things.

Height - How tall is Cirina Gevix?


Weight - How much does Cirina Gevix weigh?


Identifying Features

The redness of her eyes is frequently alarming.

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature

In her early days as a goddess, Cirina was bright and happy, always stepping in to lend a hand to those in need and ready to jump to the defense of a life form that caught her attention. Time and events have jaded this personality somewhat; while still chipper, she is much more reclusive, tending to hide away from others who visit her while she remains in her home. She is also much more cynical of sentient life, considering them to be far greedier than they ought to be. She prefers primitive cultures, staying away from urban, technologically advanced society due to the danger it poses to nature.

To her ambassadors, she is someone who goes to all lengths to make them happy. Having since nearly lost one of them, she is particularly protective over Emma-Lynn Brooks; one is rarely seen without the other. This is just about the only time she will ever be seen as protective and standoffish; she is otherwise usually in hiding. She is not very fond of most visitors, barring a handful of exceptions.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cirina Gevix have?

Has a soft, lighthearted soft way of speaking. Can sometimes stop mid-sentence to glance around in alarm. Other times, will scratch at arms or neck almost nervously.

Motivations - What motivates Cirina Gevix most?

Symbiosis of life and balance in the universe, happiness for her ambassadors.

Flaws - What flaws does Cirina Gevix have?

Not a big fan of conflict, and is frequently influenced by the prey animals she protects. Can be flighty and gets spooked easily. Conflict avoidant.

Talents - What talents does Cirina Gevix have?

Extremely talented shapeshifter; morphs at thrice the speed of others. Skilled with using her words in conflict resolution.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cirina Gevix have?

Spending time with wildlife, living like an animal (shapeshifting into one), spoiling her ambassadors.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Cirina Gevix’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Cirina Gevix’s favorite weapon?

Not keen on fighting, but will tend to use animal forms (bear, wolf, alligator) if she must.

Favorite possession - What is Cirina Gevix’s favorite possession?

Her island

Favorite food - What is Cirina Gevix’s favorite food?

Lava cake

Favorite color - What is Cirina Gevix’s favorite color?

Forest green

Occupation - What is Cirina Gevix’s occupation?

Godess of Symbiosis

info History
Background - What is Cirina Gevix’s background?

As one of the 'older' gods (superceded only by Tomo, Misra, Fortuity, and Kayra), Cirina's seen worlds come and go, and she's witnessed the extinction of many of the universe's wonderful creatures. It is these extinctions that pain her the most - to see a world that is constantly changing, ever in motion, that leaves behind the old to welcome the new.

She attempted to stop the cycle once, in a distant universe - with disastrous consequences. The fallout left her much more jaded and cynical, much less trusting of creatures of sentience, and much more withdrawn into her own dimension. She rarely ventures out - even less so, now that one of her ambassadors has been on the brink of death for centuries.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cirina Gevix have?

Technically an entire island full of flora and fauna, unknown and known alike.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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