info Overview
Name - What is Lucas Goode’s full name?

Lucas Goode

Age - How old is Lucas Goode?


Gender - What is Lucas Goode’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lucas Goode go by?

Golden Boy

Role - What is Lucas Goode’s role in your story?

Main character #2

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Lucas Goode’s eye color?

electric blue

Weight - How much does Lucas Goode weigh?


Height - How tall is Lucas Goode?


Hair Color - What color is Lucas Goode’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Lucas Goode style their hair?

Short, whatever, doesn't do anything with it

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lucas Goode have?


Race - What is Lucas Goode’s race?

Demigod, half-god half-human Son of Apollo

Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

undiscovered athlete

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lucas Goode have?

Heart shaped birthmark on his left(?) hand

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Lucas Goode have?

Lethally loyal

Motivations - What motivates Lucas Goode most?

Getting Zoe back.
Getting rid of Jake
Having everything right again

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lucas Goode have?

Fidgeting with his ring when nervous

Talents - What talents does Lucas Goode have?

  • swordsmanship

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lucas Goode have?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lucas Goode practice?

Greek Mythology, it's kind of hard not to seeing as he's surrounded by it

Occupation - What is Lucas Goode’s occupation?

Student at OA

Favorite color - What is Lucas Goode’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Lucas Goode’s favorite possession?

Gold ring that turns into a sword, once managed to turn it into a solid gold baseball bat

Favorite weapon - What is Lucas Goode’s favorite weapon?


info History
Background - What is Lucas Goode’s background?

Luke has lived at The Academy since he was 12, he met Zoe and became apart of their group. After Jake goes rogue and takes Zoe with him Luke tasks himself with bringing her back, him being abd fiercely loyal as he is. He goes after them and ends up inflicting a lethal injury on Jake, ultimately killing him. (Caused him to have a heat stroke, then smashed a solid gold baseball bat into his ribs, shattering one and fracturing another. Jake, with severe internal bleeding, bled out within the hour)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lucas Goode have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Questions To Solidify A Character.
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This character was created by Juliana on

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