info Overview
Name - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s full name?

Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone

Age - How old is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone?


Gender - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone go by?

Death Girl

Role - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s role in your story?

Main character #1

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s eye color?


Weight - How much does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone weigh?


Height - How tall is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone?


Hair Color - What color is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone style their hair?

Long, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?


Race - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s race?


Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

Athletic, short

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?

-one small scar through right eyebrow
- scar along cheekbone on right side

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?

  • can be nosy, unintentionally

  • hostile

  • doesn't give a crap

Motivations - What motivates Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone most?

  • survival
    -getting this quest over with as soon as possible
    (didn't want to go on it in the first place)

Personality type - What personality type is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone?

  • loyal

  • isn't anti-social but finds it difficult to make friends

  • has trust issues(was betrayed by a best friend at a young, impressionable age)

  • shy at first

  • weird (but in a good way)

Talents - What talents does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?

  • Can make very accurate guesses about what people are feeling/thinking(they aren't guesses they are intuitions and are apart of her power to "See Beneath"

  • can sometimes see visions when in contact with people or objects

  • can sense where metal and precious stones are in the earth

  • can enter the Underworld and can leave without giving up mortal soul

Hobbies - What hobbies does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?

Reading, writing, painting, swimming, running, design(houses, rooms, etc. NOT CLOTHES)
(Hobbies are seasonal and not everyday)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?

Zoe believes that everyone is judgmental and unknowing. Because of her ability to "See Beneath" she knows truths about people, who they are, who they aren't and who they're trying to be. This causes her to judge people too quickly even though she hates when people judge her too quickly.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone practice?

Ancient Greek Mythology
( believes the gods from Greek mythology are real, is a child of one said gods)

Politics - What politics does Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone have?

Hades vs. Zeus

Occupation - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s occupation?

Student at Olympus Academy

Favorite color - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s favorite food?

chicken, street, corn tortilla, tacos with "too much" hot sauce

Favorite possession - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s favorite weapon?

Reaper; a dagger presented to Zoe by her mother

Favorite animal - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s favorite animal?

A black panther (and no, it has nothing to do with the Black Panther movie XD )

info History
Background - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s background?

Zoe Solstice believed herself to be a normal girl, well, except for her silver eyes. For awhile nobody cared, they thought it was cool. But as Zoe grew older children and adults became more and more judgmental and rude. She closed in on her self and became shy and quite. She wore dark sunglasses all the time, no matter the weather. She met Luke and came out of her shell a bit but was still cautious around other kids. After receiving an assignment to go deal with a monster on the school's border Zoe and the group sent out to look for it. they were attacked by a drakon. Later in the fight Zoe saved him and received two cuts that scarred, leaving her a reminder. Zoe noticed herself being inclined to help and befriend monsters, and felt extreme regret at having to kill the drakon. She is now faced with a prophecy, she doesn't even care about. We'll see how that goes.

Education - What is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s level of education?

Up until 7th grade in public school, now a student at OA

Birthday - When is Zoe Anne-Solstice Stone’s birthday?

August 18th, 2000

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Questions To Solidify A Character.
What would completely break this character?

  • Losing loved ones or Reaper

  • Hurting a friend or loved one

  • Not being able to save a friend or loved one

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This character was created by Juliana on

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