info Overview
Name - What is Aster Mathews’s full name?

Aster Mathews

Gender - What is Aster Mathews’s gender?


Role - What is Aster Mathews’s role in your story?

Main character

Age - How old is Aster Mathews?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Aster Mathews’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aster Mathews have?

Short round face, light freckles

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Aster Mathews’s race?


Eye Color - What is Aster Mathews’s eye color?

Cloudy grey

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aster Mathews have?


Hair Style - How does Aster Mathews style their hair?

Short and wild in a shoulder length style

Weight - How much does Aster Mathews weigh?

97 lbs.

Height - How tall is Aster Mathews?

Five feet

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Aster Mathews have?

Painting. Aster paints to relieve stress. Horseback riding with Marley, Aster loves to ride fast and let go of her complicated situation.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aster Mathews have?

Aster has social anxiety and when she's nervous her breaths get short and she has to calm down usually by drawing lines on paper until she calms down. When Aster gets bored, she braids her hair into tiny braids.

Motivations - What motivates Aster Mathews most?

Aster is mostly motivating by love for her friends. she never wants to let them down, so she will go to extremes for them. She's also motivated to please other people, she'll change herself to what others say or think.

Flaws - What flaws does Aster Mathews have?

Easily angered, cries, yells, relays on others too much. Her friends often make fun of her for it, but they love her anyway and support her, and she depends on them to lift her spirits. She cares a lot about what others think and doesn't always focus on what is best for her.

Talents - What talents does Aster Mathews have?

Is extremely smart has a photographic memory

Personality type - What personality type is Aster Mathews?

Angry fireball unless around friends very hard working depends on her friends a bit too much.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Aster Mathews’s favorite food?

Nectarines and ice tea

Favorite animal - What is Aster Mathews’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Aster Mathews’s favorite weapon?

hedge clippersd she uses for protection.

Favorite possession - What is Aster Mathews’s favorite possession?

Crescent necklace

Favorite color - What is Aster Mathews’s favorite color?

Forest green

Occupation - What is Aster Mathews’s occupation?

Aster is a student at TSSS, but in her spare time she visits the auqaurium to help out.

Politics - What politics does Aster Mathews have?

Aster is independent, which is ironic considering how much she cares about what others think.

Religion - What religion does Aster Mathews practice?


info History
Education - What is Aster Mathews’s level of education?

Aster stopped getting a normal education in 8th grade, when she discovered TSSS, aplace where people like her could learn.

Background - What is Aster Mathews’s background?

When Aster was little, she would hate being alone. Her family would often be gone at work when she was to little to go to school. Instead, her older cousin from across town would "take care of her" which usually ended up Aster being punished for ours at a time. Her older cousin would shout things at her, and make her have a low self esteem. This eventually resulted in Aster believing she had to please others and never herself, if others where happy, so was she, right? Aster has often had very realistic dreams. She is a lucid dreamer but can also feel physical pain in her dreams, a strange talent that she can't control.

Birthday - When is Aster Mathews’s birthday?

November 14, 2004

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Aster Mathews have?

corgi puppy

history Changelog
edit Notes

Aster really looks up to her friend Ellen. They often talk about things Aster's mother never got to talk to her about. Aster realized he was biromantic in 7th grade and has only told Ellen. . She often goes horseback riding with Marley when things get to crazy in The Basement. She enjoys playing with her corgi puppy Wiggles. Aster formed an unlikely friendship with Calvin Abbott, who was close friends with Marley until Marley got a boyfriend.

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