info Overview
Name - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s full name?

Elias Gerard-St. Clair

Other names - What other aliases does Elias Gerard-St. Clair go by?


Role - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s role in your story?

Estelle's younger brother, strategist

Age - How old is Elias Gerard-St. Clair?

Sixteen (he's two years younger then Estelle)

Gender - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s gender?


face Looks
Skin Tone

Slightly paler than his sister's brown-sugar shade

Height - How tall is Elias Gerard-St. Clair?


Body Type

Skinny and wiry, with lanky limbs and slouchy shoulders

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

Huge horn-rimmed glasses that he constantly has to push up, a chip in one of his front teeth; eventually, a wheelchair.

Hair Color - What color is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Elias Gerard-St. Clair style their hair?

Heavy, wide curls that fall over his ears

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

None, unless you count his sideburns

Eye Color - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s eye color?

Dark hazel, bordering on a light brown

Race - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s race?

Half Villien, half Newportian (think half French, half African-American)

Weight - How much does Elias Gerard-St. Clair weigh?

About 135 pounds

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Elias Gerard-St. Clair most?

To help/support his sister, mainly. Because of this, he stands behind her in her quest to regain their birthright.

Flaws - What flaws does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

Skittish and easily intimidated. His mother and sister kept him stuck behind tables so much that he's overwhelmed by stressful situations. He tends to surrender to quickly for fear of getting hurt in a fight.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

Highly against the Villien government for the same reasons as his sister.

Talents - What talents does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

Brilliant strategist, not only in war plans. He can dance his way through any complicated system and turn it in on itself. Amazing mediator--when people are arguing, he can generally get them to reach a compromise.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

The best pianist any of the Whitewaters have ever heard. He has perfect pitch, and when he's bored, he'll sit at his pianoforte and improvise the most soulful pieces.

Personality type - What personality type is Elias Gerard-St. Clair?

Skittish and rather awkward, but sweet. He's an incredible listener, but not so much a talker. He loves music more than life itself. Gentle, seemingly too gentle to be a member of a resistance group.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

Laces his fingers when he's nervous, pushes up his glasses when he's nervous, twitches/tenses/rolls his shoulders when he's nervous (he's nervous a lot). Slouches when he's relaxed. Stammers when he talks too fast.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite possession?

His pianoforte

Religion - What religion does Elias Gerard-St. Clair practice?

Since he believes the Myllirian gods to be more fact than religion, Eli is one of the first atheists.

Politics - What politics does Elias Gerard-St. Clair have?

He tends to avoid politics, but is generally liberal on issues

Occupation - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s occupation?

Prince of the Lakeshore, Whitewater strategist

Favorite color - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite color?

Dove grey

Favorite food - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite food?

Sweet bread

Favorite weapon - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite weapon?

He couldn't fight even if he wanted to. His strategies are generally his weapon.

Favorite animal - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s birthday?

March 19

Background - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s background?

Elias was raised a prince until the scandal with Seraphine Des-Marais. Michelle, his mother, took him and his sister away to a middle-class life. His sister firmly believed that his father was innocent, and she convinced him so. When she started the Whitewater, he joined her against his mother's wishes. It was his strategy that ultimately won his sister the throne, but the final battle was not coordinated by him: Elias was abducted by Seraphine Des-Marais two days before the battle for the throne. In his escape attempt, he sustained severe injuries to his legs and ended up in a wheelchair for six months.

Education - What is Elias Gerard-St. Clair’s level of education?

Extensively tutored at the palace until he was nine, then homeschooled until he was fourteen

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Moderately powerful sun magician, but he rarely uses his magic. It's not neglected like his sister's, but it's not powerful either.

folder_open Custom Notes
sports_kabaddi Relationships
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