info Overview
Name - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s full name?

Estelle Gerard-St. Clair

Other names - What other aliases does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair go by?

Essie, Whitewater Star, Princessa, Whitewater Princess

Role - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s role in your story?

Protagonist, revolutionary

Age - How old is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair?


Gender - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s gender?


face Looks
Skin Tone

The color of brown sugar

Height - How tall is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair?


Body Type

Stocky. Rectangular shape; no blatantly defined breasts, slightly wider hips. Muscular. Wide legs and arms.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

In battle, she wears a bright white bandana tied around her lower face. It's always spotlessly bleached.

Hair Color - What color is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s hair?

Dark, woodsy blackish-brown

Hair Style - How does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair style their hair?

Riotous curls (think 3c) down her back and falling over her shoulders. Curly little bangs over her forehead.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?


Eye Color - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s eye color?

Deep brown

Race - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s race?

Half Villiers, half Newportian (think Afro-American/French mixed race)

Weight - How much does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair weigh?

About 130 pounds

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Estelle Gerard-St. Clair most?

Justice--her beloved father was ruined and her family torn apart by Seraphine Des-Marais. She'll do anything to right those wrongs and, in the process, this puts her on path to also rescue her country.

Flaws - What flaws does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

Hotheaded, tends to be reckless, has a terrible habit of gambling everything on high-stakes bets. Not only with money, but she also has a plain old monetary gambling problem. Doesn''t like to be saved but always has to be. Often overconfident. Tends to neglect her magic. Often drinks when life gets too bad, then goes and takes insane risks. She's an alcoholic. Her drinking tendencies are getting out of control.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

Hates Seraphine Des-Marais. As soon as she learns that Seraphine worked for the Villien government, she begins to hate them.

Talents - What talents does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

Incredible public speaker, especially when she needs to fire up a crowd. Physically very capable, and passing good at governance. Amazing mechanical designer, but not so much builder. She has a thousand sketches for weapons and machines.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

Baking! She loves making cookies, especially when chocolate is involved. Of course, these days, she trains more, but she loves that just as much.

Personality type - What personality type is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair?

FIERY. Estelle will never back down from a fight. She's driven and determined, but this often leads to overconfidence that, in turn, leads to risky behavior. When a risk backfires, she'll go into a rut that can sometimes lead to even more insane risks--often brought on by her alcoholism.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

Locks her jaw when she's trying to stop herself from snapping at someone, clenches her fists when she's angry, paces when she's ranting or stressed

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite possession?

Her pink notebook from when she was a kid in the Palace of Waters. It has all these notes that she took on governance and the Court.

Religion - What religion does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair practice?

Ancient Myllirian, but she's not very devout

Politics - What politics does Estelle Gerard-St. Clair have?

Center, but leans left on social issues and right on economic issues

Occupation - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s occupation?

Head of the Whitewater Revolution, (fallen) princess of the Lakeshore, eventual queen of the Lakeshore

Favorite color - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite color?

Wine red

Favorite food - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite food?

Spicy noodles (think Pad Thai type stuff)

Favorite weapon - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite weapon?

Her high-powered crossbow, which she's nicknamed Tueur for 'killer.' She only uses magic when she has no other option.

Favorite animal - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s birthday?

November 10

Background - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s background?

Estelle was born as the daughter of a governor, but with the secession of the Lakeshore, she became a princess. Alfonse raised her in the Court of the Waters. Her greatest passion was the government, but as she grew older, it was clear that she didn't have the talent for it. She still tried as hard as she could, but it just wasn't for her. When the scandal with Seraphine Des-Marais erupted, she was confident that her father was innocent, but her mother thought otherwise. Estelle grew up filled with the rage of having her future stolen from her. When Seraphine's infrastructure initiative started hurting the people, Estelle finally had a more stable reason to pursue her vendetta against the queen. She joined the Whitewater Resistance, which later exploded into the bloody Whitewater Revolution. This ultimately led to Seraphine losing the throne to Estelle.

Education - What is Estelle Gerard-St. Clair’s level of education?

Received extensive tutoring at the palace until she was 12, then homeschool to a decent extent by her mother until she was 16.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

A water magician like her father, but significantly more gifted. She neglects her magic, which makes it unpredictable.

folder_open Custom Notes
Mental/Physical Issues




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