whatshot Overview
Name - What is Marina Apate’s full name?

Marina Apate

Age - How old is Marina Apate?


Gender - What is Marina Apate’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marina Apate go by?


Role - What is Marina Apate’s role in your story?

Serial Killer

Name Origin

Marina 'From the sea' | Of Greek Origins (inspired by Marina & the Diamonds)
Apate 'Goddess of Deceit' | Of Greek Origins

cloud_queue Looks
Race - What is Marina Apate’s race?

Greek, Italian, Venezuelan

Hair Style - How does Marina Apate style their hair?

Layered, pretty long lol idk where

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marina Apate have?

she Does Not

Eye Color - What is Marina Apate’s eye color?

Light tangerine color

Skin Tone

In between pale and tan, olive toned

Body Type

hourglass, model type body,,,,, thiccc

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marina Apate have?

Has a pale heart shaped birthmark on her right upper arm

Weight - How much does Marina Apate weigh?

151 lbs.

Height - How tall is Marina Apate?


Hair Color - What color is Marina Apate’s hair?

Pink (dyed)
Naturally brown

local_bar Nature

probably a lot


Marina's biggest fear is getting taken advantage of, or simply being powerless. She doesn't want to get hurt again, but she also doesn't want any other girl to get hurt.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marina Apate have?

Marina has implemented 'model-walking' into her life. She is constantly running her fingers through her hair or tapping her nails, or anything else dealing with her appearance. Every movement is graceful and with flow, but with purpose. Marina will definitely wink at you a lot and she is rather touchy. She laughs a lot in an attempt to entice you (if you're a boy).

Motivations - What motivates Marina Apate most?

Type of Serial Killer:

Missionary - feels the need to rid the world of a certain group of people, which, in this case, is materialistic and toxic males
Power seeker - enjoys having total control over the fate of the victim
Gain - kill to gain money

What sparked this motivation: her ex,,,,,,,,,, blah blah i changed the fuckings toryshe took it a bit too far,, hA!

Flaws - What flaws does Marina Apate have?

Marina's biggest flaw is her desire to seem flawless to men. She tries too hard to be perfect and although she does succeed in getting men, truly she is digging herself deeper in her trauma and her insecurities.
She also likes to do her own thing, often without thinking it through. Her murders are nowhere near perfect, and in a world with better national security she would've been in prison. Marina can turn defensive as well, and she's awfully stubborn. She can't

Personality type - What personality type is Marina Apate?

im redoing her completely fuck off

Physical Strengths

She has some muscle strength, but her fighting skills rely more on quick movements, reflexes, and manipulation.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marina Apate have?

As said in motivations, materialistic MALES

Talents - What talents does Marina Apate have?

basically any form of manipulation - seduction, lying, etc - she is a sociopath
art (scenery, pencil)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marina Apate have?

You'll find amazing sketches in her mysterious journal.
She also.. murders..

beach_access Social
Favorite food - What is Marina Apate’s favorite food?

Spaghetti and meatballs (homemade mom recipe)

Favorite Drink

idk some kinda margarita or soemthign

Politics - What politics does Marina Apate have?

honestly im unsure

Occupation - What is Marina Apate’s occupation?

Has no job - gets money from tricking rich boys and from the money her parents put in her bank account

Favorite color - What is Marina Apate’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Marina Apate’s favorite possession?

Any stuffed animal

Favorite weapon - What is Marina Apate’s favorite weapon?

Her knife

Favorite animal - What is Marina Apate’s favorite animal?




hourglass_empty History
Birthday - When is Marina Apate’s birthday?

April 16

Background - What is Marina Apate’s background?

Surprisingly, Marina grew up highly spoiled. Her parents were party kids, however they were still good people and always held an emotional connection with their kids. Marina has two older sisters, Vanessa and Ashley. blah blah she probably dates someone and her dad does some shit idk man im trying to be original ehre. These characteristics heavily influenced Marina, sparking a sudden hatred in people. She began to cut all ties with any boy she met, because every time she saw them she saw flaws. she also became entitled. Too entitled, to the point where she wanted people to change, to bow down to her. But, her looks alone wouldn't save men. So, why not just, get rid of them completely?
Marina began to research murder. She carefully planned a murder with her current boyfriend. It worked out perfectly, she was never caught. She developed a fake persona, different from her true self. She practiced seducing boys and her murders became sporadic and messy. But, her luck was perfect, as the citizens had been so focused on the war, they tossed aside the murder case, not bothering with it. They lied to the deceased's family, pretending they were searching for Marina, but truly they were occupied in the bigger issue, the bigger murders.
At this point, Marina was out of school for 8 years, having dropped out in junior year. She has killed (number) men ruthlessly, not an inch of humanity in her.

ok at some point marina kills an innocent boy and she's like oh no i figgity frackity ufcked iup
Marina starts having thoughts, withdrawals that indicated an addiction. Something hit her, something that was pushed down so far that it just exploded. She was aware of her actions. Marina began to isolate herself in her room, trying to figure out who she is, when a stranger falls from the roof and grabs onto her window, taking Marina on a joyride.

Education - What is Marina Apate’s level of education?

Averagely intelligent, she dropped out of high school with a GPA of 3.2

airplanemode_active Family
gesture Inventory

Marina always carries around a purse of some sort, which holds makeup, spare tampons, her phone, her money, a comb,

history Changelog
toys Notes
local_laundry_service Wardrobe
bubble_chart Color Palette
Hex Codes

hair: #EEA4A8 #5C4227
eyes: #F1AA3F
skin: #DAD391
favorite color: #F389BA
common background: #B7F2CB

fingerprint Fun Facts
Shower Preference

steamy hot;)

If They Were a Cup

a fucking goblet

Coffee Preference

She doesn't have a favorite because she's adapted to any boy she's with, which has erased her ability to even think for herself regarding favorites


Yes! Probably everywhere

If They Were a Teacher

i forgot

folder_open Q&A
folder_open aloe?
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Marina Apate

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Marina Apate

This character was created by jenny on Notebook.ai.

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