whatshot Overview
Name - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s full name?

Lee Ace Valeray

Age - How old is Lee Ace Valeray?


Gender - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lee Ace Valeray go by?

Lee or Ace separately

Role - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s role in your story?

a cunt

Name Origin

Lee Ace | i just thought it was badass
Valeray: 'valor, strong' | Of French Origins

cloud_queue Looks
Race - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s race?


Hair Style - How does Lee Ace Valeray style their hair?

Goes to ears - messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lee Ace Valeray have?

he is a clean baby boy

Eye Color - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s eye color?

Light, bright green

Skin Tone

Light beige

Body Type

Slim, slightly muscular, but only slightly


apparently lemons


taht one meme guy

Piercings/ Tattoos

cool dog tattoo on back of neck

Weight - How much does Lee Ace Valeray weigh?

147 lbs.

Height - How tall is Lee Ace Valeray?


Hair Color - What color is Lee Ace Valeray’s hair?

A medium red

local_bar Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lee Ace Valeray have?

Lee Ace has languid, tired movements. He

Motivations - What motivates Lee Ace Valeray most?

Lee Ace has been lost his entire life, unsure of who he is and what he wants. This kid tends to go wherever life takes him. He'll take a random opportunity no matter what consequences because he is highly apathetic. Lee Ace doesn't care what happens to him, but he does care about his friends and family to a certain extent. He does want for people to like him, as he was bullied all through school.

Flaws - What flaws does Lee Ace Valeray have?

Lee Ace developed a habit of lying when he was younger. He always thought his life was too boring for his friends, so he lied about the things he did. Slowly, this turned unconscious.
He also has heavy hatred towards himself. Lee Ace is an extreme nihilist, but prefers not to fight people on it.
Lee doesn't know what he wants, which makes decisions difficult for him. He doesn't think through anything.

Personality type - What personality type is Lee Ace Valeray?

The Entrepreneur (ESTP - A)

hes a BADASS boy

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lee Ace Valeray have?

Lee has a prejudice against those who bullied him, mainly the nerds and the

Talents - What talents does Lee Ace Valeray have?

Shooting accuracy - 87%

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lee Ace Valeray have?

Goes to puppy shops a lot

beach_access Social
Favorite food - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s favorite food?

Ice cream cuz its his comfort food cuz hes always sad

Religion - What religion does Lee Ace Valeray practice?

death, satan, adn jesus christ himself

Politics - What politics does Lee Ace Valeray have?

fuk literally e eryone

Occupation - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s occupation?

he does shit in the government

Favorite color - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s favorite color?

Navy blue

Favorite possession - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s favorite possession?

Dog tags from his best friend thts DEAD

Favorite weapon - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s favorite animal?


hourglass_empty History
Birthday - When is Lee Ace Valeray’s birthday?

July 29

Background - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s background?

  • neglectful dad, only child

  • busy, but loving mom

  • popular, but also bullied a lot for it (and his shitty red hair)

  • was offered a job in the government due to his mom bringing him to shooting ranges and such, and his good grades. he fights for the government in the civil war

  • it was a secret, suddenly his best friend shows interest in joining the revolution - the opposite side of the war

  • Lee Ace was instructed to kill his friend, as his friend became an important piece in the war

  • conflicted by his loyalty, lee hesitates when killing his friend

  • some brainwashing occurs, and lee is forced to kill him

  • lee is hella >:( but he continues to fight for the government because he feels he has no other purpose anymore anywhere else - he doesn't really have any big talents or dreams

  • one day,, he kinda snaps,, realizing he's like well why should i keep doing shit i dont wanna do lmao what the fuck?, so he starts rebelling, not doing his job, sneaking off to the revolution side

  • then wow! eventually he's caught by wyatt, because he's seem as an enemy even tho he highkey dont even wanna be on the dark side no more

Education - What is Lee Ace Valeray’s level of education?

hes smart

airplanemode_active Family
gesture Inventory
history Changelog
toys Notes
local_laundry_service Wardrobe
bubble_chart Color Palette
Hex Codes

hair: #CA0202
eyes: #97E374
skin: #D0B87C
favorite color: #163376
common background: #67A0D6

fingerprint Fun Facts
folder_open Q&A
folder_open aloe?
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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Lee Ace Valeray

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