info Overview
Name - What is Retunsus Fannin’s full name?

Retunsus Fannin

Age - How old is Retunsus Fannin?


Gender - What is Retunsus Fannin’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Retunsus Fannin go by?


Role - What is Retunsus Fannin’s role in your story?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Retunsus Fannin?


Weight - How much does Retunsus Fannin weigh?

203 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Retunsus Fannin have?

His right arm is a mechanical prosthetic. His torso is covered in old scars from cuts, burns, and other things that happened while he was tortured in prison.

Body Type

Thin and twigish, but still strong (I know there's a word for this but I can't remember what it is).

Skin Tone

very pale with dense-ish freckles on nose and cheeks. Dappled with unique bioluminescent markings (because he’s half water dragon).

Race - What is Retunsus Fannin’s race?

Dragon-elf hybrid

Eye Color - What is Retunsus Fannin’s eye color?

deep, glowing greenish blueish teal

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Retunsus Fannin have?


Hair Style - How does Retunsus Fannin style their hair?

medium length, fluffy, pretty straight, naturally messy (he could fix it if he wanted to, but he usually doesn't).

Hair Color - What color is Retunsus Fannin’s hair?

dark chocolate brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Retunsus Fannin have?

He's a little slow in the head, and sometimes a little rude. occasionally he gets out of control in battle and becomes terrifyingly violent. He’s also incredibly socially inept, and doesn’t always understand humans.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Retunsus Fannin have?

Finds humans confusing at times. Tends to mutter to himself in elvish/draconic. If he feels the need to use a profanity, he does so in whichever language no one else around speaks to be a little more polite. When he's sad, he typically hides it from people. He's very good at that. Whenever he's happy/excited, however, he couldn't hide it if he wanted to. He's a dragon-shape shifter, so depending on the form he's in (the only one it doesn't happen in is elf, when he doesn't have a tail), his tail involuntarily starts wagging like a dog's. That's why people try not to get him too excited in small, crowded, or cluttered places (his tail is super long).It's easy to annoy him, but he's still not all that scary even if he's annoyed (yes, despite his towering height). But if someone manages to make him truly angry, he loses pretty much all of his sweetness or common sense and becomes a thing of nightmares. Usually, people die. Other people are just really, really scared. He also has the tendency to smile at people when he's angry (not a sweet smile. One of those scary, creepy serial killer smiles.) and occasionally, there's some murderous cackling. Sometimes when he's stressed out, he shreds things (like a paper shredder, but alive).

Motivations - What motivates Retunsus Fannin most?

Protecting all he has left (which isn't much) and avenging his family (they're all dead).

Prejudices - What prejudices does Retunsus Fannin have?

He has a prejudice against generic society (at least on some level) because due to what he is he's treated like a freak, a monster, a mistake, and nothing more than a small animal with no emotions. He doesn't mind people who don't first judge him by his race. He hates the Moon family.

Talents - What talents does Retunsus Fannin have?

He's not too bad at singing or dancing (neither of which he ever does, especially if people are around). He has natural battle skill, but he can't shoot guns well at all. He can throw knives though.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Retunsus Fannin have?

sleeping, talking to his rooster Jerry (yes, he talks to his chickens. He thinks they talk back too. Probably because he's a telepath). Also likes spending quality time with his close friends. Sometimes, he likes to just sit at the bottom of a river/lake/sea if there's one nearby and stay there for awhile (yes, he can breathe underwater. in every form other than his elf form, he has gills (think fish gills)).

Personality type - What personality type is Retunsus Fannin?

Sometimes depressed and possibly bipolar. Other than that, he's an actual cinnamon roll. He can be a bit excitable, and he's somewhat easily entertained. He's usually very nice to people he knows aren't going to try to kill him. He's also a bit of a perfectionist/neat-freak at times, so he cleans everything. Around people he knows are friends, he's usually fairly calm and happy, and pretty sarcastic. He doesn't usually handle stress well.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Retunsus Fannin’s favorite color?

Bright slap you in the face can burn your eyes in the dark yellow

Favorite weapon - What is Retunsus Fannin’s favorite weapon?

Himself (he's a dragon-shape shifter)

Favorite possession - What is Retunsus Fannin’s favorite possession?

The necklace that used to be his sister's. She wore it all the time and gave it to him just before she died.

Favorite food - What is Retunsus Fannin’s favorite food?

Fish. 110% fish. Sometimes raw fish. Any fish. Literally all the fish.

Occupation - What is Retunsus Fannin’s occupation?

Soldier? Sort of? Like a soldier for the rebels looking to take down the empire. Yeah.

Politics - What politics does Retunsus Fannin have?

Literally just wants the empire to go die in a hole. He's tried to throw the king off a cliff multiple times. He wants oppression to end.

Religion - What religion does Retunsus Fannin practice?

Idk, man. Still haven't figured this part out.

Favorite animal - What is Retunsus Fannin’s favorite animal?

Dogs? Maybe? Does Milo count?

info History
Education - What is Retunsus Fannin’s level of education?

He speaks three languages (English, elvish, draconic), the only one of which he had to learn later on was English. His foster parents, the O'Neal's, taught him until he was taken by the empire. They taught him how to read and write in all three of said languages, how to do basic, essential math, and some science. They also taught him about some agricultural things (he was actually raised on a farm).

Birthday - When is Retunsus Fannin’s birthday?

August 8, 7992

Background - What is Retunsus Fannin’s background?

His bio. parents died at the hand of the king, who knew they had mixed races (elf and dragon) and had them executed. His foster parents were hiding him and his sister from the empire. The O'Neal's raised he and his sister Kira off the grid, in a small barn loft on a farm (so yes, he was raised in a barn). They worked to sustain themselves apart from society so as not to be found out. They taught the children what they could until the empire finally found the twins, at the ages of 14 and 14 (duh they're twins), and took them away to use them for labor, entertainment, and war.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Retunsus Fannin have?

Milo, his solid black long haired German shepherd
Jerry, his phoenix rooster with a rust/copper head, wings of the same color with a few black feathers, and a black tail that starts in a few short, white, downy feathers

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Larissa Boulet on

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