Antagonist; New queen of Saveron (which she called Daemonium after she took over)
Queen of Demons
grey purple
It depends on her mood--changing with her emotions--but when resting, they glow purple
It's long and curly, behaving sort of like mist.
Black with a purple tint.
20' exactly (4'10 in disguise)
She can absorb energy, whether it be physical or magical, and use it to fuel her powerful magic, though she must absorb other's energy to use it.
She sees all angels as arrogant and selfish, as well as anything related to them, like humans. She sees them all as below her.
She can be blinded by her emotions, relying on her gut to make decisions instead of thinking through all of her options and possibilities. Her drastically shifting emotions also cause problems. It can be hard to converse or debate with her as she tends to assume she knows what others are feeling, which is usually just what she feels. She can be hard to please, requiring regular stimulus.
She likes to watch performances (musicals, plays, concerts, dance, etc) and loves music more than anything else. She also likes to wander through her kingdom to see how everything is. She also loves to play games. She's incredibly bored when she's alone or sitting still for too long.
She has a quick tempered with unstable emotions, terrifying those around her. Despite this, she can just as easily be calmed down with rational debate and vulnerable to sadness. She's protective, loving, and as honest as it gets.
She wants what's best for her people, and that means ridding them of their human services, and showing dominance to the arrogant angels.
Her hair and eyes change color and behavior depending on her mood, sometimes a mixture of a few. When angry, her hair flares upwards like fire and turns red, convulsing with energy. When she's sad, it turns a gray blue, flowing slowly. When she's excited or happy, it briefly convulses with yellow or acts more wave-like. Normally, though, it's purple.
She has a royal education with vast knowledge of battle strategy. She learned how to wield the enchanted dagger from her father.
Her father was the king of demons who taught her everything she needed and wanted to know. He took her to every play, musical, and music concert that was ever preformed multiple times. She loved him dearly, and when he faded away, his power was passed on to her. She adapted many of his beliefs, though not his personality.
She wears an outfit similar to a ring master, with the tail-like fabric on the back and long pants. Instead of red, though, it's all black with shiny lining on the collar and sleeves.
It used to be Arashi's support, but after his betrayal, it became her new warriors she formed from the souls of Althea's family.
She believes that arrogance is the worst disease and those with it don't deserve power, directly reflecting her hatred for Angels. She likes to hear what others have to say about something before making a decision, sort of like democracy, but many times people are too intimidated to actually debate with her directly.
She's the queen of the demons. She's also the head general for the war on humans.
Rose red
N/A (demons don't need food, but she'd probably adore candy)
An enchanted sword with the same ability as her, making it easier to absorb energy. It's technically a dagger, but it'd be hard to call it that when she grew to her full size of 20' as it grew with her.