vpn_key Overview
Name - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s full name?

MacKenzie Parkwood

Role - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s role in your story?

Mother of Exila

Age - How old is MacKenzie Parkwood?


Gender - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does MacKenzie Parkwood go by?


palette Looks
Eye Color - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s eye color?

Sea green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does MacKenzie Parkwood have?


Hair Style - How does MacKenzie Parkwood style their hair?

Wavy, straight, brushed and formal

Hair Color - What color is MacKenzie Parkwood’s hair?

Natural brown

Height - How tall is MacKenzie Parkwood?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

Birthmark on her shoulder, small and usually covered by a shirt

Body Type

Spoon shaped

Skin Tone

Pale caucasian

Race - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s race?


Weight - How much does MacKenzie Parkwood weigh?

185 lbs.

extension Nature
Personality type - What personality type is MacKenzie Parkwood?

Defender (ISFJ-T)

MacKenzie can be supportive of her family and friends and may be unable to offer constructive criticism, but her blind positivism is often overlooked. MacKenzie can be reliable and patient with others, and sometimes people tend to use that to their advantage. She's very enthusiastic towards her friends and often sees herself as the side character that is only viewed as the supporter that doesn't do anything special. MacKenzie struggled with depression all her life, and merely assumed that going to church every day would inevitably fix her.

Hobbies - What hobbies does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

Dance, quilting (and also accidentally summoning the darkest demons from hell and accidentally making a deal with them that will inevitably come back to bite her but,,,,,,y'know,,,,who can relate amirite)

Talents - What talents does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

Dance, quilting

Prejudices - What prejudices does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

As a supposed Christian, MacKenzie sometimes scowls at younger people merely because she assumes they know nothing.

Flaws - What flaws does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

Depressed, has history of mental disorders in her family, emotionally unstable and not seeking help for it.

Motivations - What motivates MacKenzie Parkwood most?

The love of her life, Evan

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

MacKenzie is normally quiet and reserved. She can be shaky at times due to lack of sleep and food, but she's too fidgety for anyone to notice the shaking.

wc Social
Favorite color - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does MacKenzie Parkwood practice?


MacKenzie claimed to be a Christian, and even went to church every Sunday, but she didn't apply her Christianity into her personal life. If anyone tried to ask her about anything in Scripture, she'd be unable to answer

Politics - What politics does MacKenzie Parkwood have?


Occupation - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s occupation?

Grocery store clerk

Favorite food - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s favorite food?

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Favorite possession - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s favorite possession?

Purple sweater

Favorite weapon - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s favorite animal?


import_contacts History
Background - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s background?

MacKenzie struggled in high enough, but even more so when her father took his life. MacKenzie fell into a deep pit of depression and was unable to get out of it. After she moved out of her mother's house, she adopted a Samoyed, named her Joy, and hoped that this dog would help her depression (along with going to church). After a few months of living on her own, MacKenzie met the love of her life, also known as Ethan. She believed that Ethan truly helped cure her of her depression, and even started a family with him, but the mental illness is known to be genetic, and MacKenzie passed it on to her daughter. However, MacKenzie's daughter, Exila, was born with more than just depression. Of course, at such a young age, it was unnoticeable. However, after a long, hard day of work, MacKenzie was driving home. She would have seen her daughter playing with the dog, Joy outside in the front if she wasn't falling asleep. What woke her up was the heavy bump followed by Exila's screams. MacKenzie was more relieved that Exila was not harmed, but Exila began to grew an undying rage against her mother. MacKenzie's story supposedly ended when Exila killed her, staging it as a suicide, but MacKenzie's spirit was not finished, and only grew angrier and filled with vengeance each passing year that it suffered lost and alone. MacKenzie thought she dreamed it all, but one night, she summoned a demon from hell and made a deal with them. The demon promised that MacKenzie will find the love of her life, but the condition was that she would have to "kill love" after she died. MacKenzie didn't question it and agreed to it. Years later, when MacKenzie died, her soul was sent to hell. What MacKenzie didn't realize that her "killing love" in Hell was only training her to be sent back to earth as a spirit and possess her own daughter, pushing her clinically insane daughter over the edge and causing her to break into the very habit that MacKenzie was forced to endure for almost a decade.

Education - What is MacKenzie Parkwood’s level of education?


Birthday - When is MacKenzie Parkwood’s birthday?

September 23, 1978

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does MacKenzie Parkwood have?

She used to have a pet Samoyed named Joy

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
local_laundry_service Wardrobe
local_hospital Health
school Education
camera Color HTML Codes
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Hair: #703C26
Eyes: #1EB99C
Skin: #FFEDD8
Hat: #5272B5
Shirt: #8259BB

language Trivia
format_quote Languages
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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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