vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Exila Smith’s full name?

Exila Smith

Role - What is Exila Smith’s role in your story?

Serial Killer

Age - How old is Exila Smith?


Gender - What is Exila Smith’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Exila Smith go by?


palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Exila Smith’s eye color?

Ocean blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Exila Smith have?


Hair Style - How does Exila Smith style their hair?

Long and choppy, wavy, reaches halfway down back

Hair Color - What color is Exila Smith’s hair?

Blue on the top, black on the bottom

Height - How tall is Exila Smith?



Exila's voice is lively and fun, giving off a sweet and harmless vibe when she's in a good mood. She can tone it down when in a heavier setting, which may happen often for her, but her neutral voice is comparable to Lindsey Stirling


Exila's favorite perfume, lotion, and soap scent to use is Japanese Cherry Blossom. Her favorite scent outside of soaps and stuff is the smell of breakfast cooking in the morning.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Exila Smith have?

Birth mark on nape of neck

Body Type

Spoon shaped

Skin Tone

Pale yellow

Race - What is Exila Smith’s race?


Weight - How much does Exila Smith weigh?

160 lbs

extension Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Exila Smith?

Entrepreneur (ESTP-T)

Exila is a con-woman, but not really. She's slick and can put on a facade, making you fall for her on the spot. Despite not really caring for anyone but herself, she can really make someone think that she cares. She's a compulsive liar and hiding under several masks.

Sexuality: Exila doesn't realize it at first, but she is bisexual. After something comes over her, she doesn't really care what the gender is of her victim. It doesn't really matter.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Exila Smith have?

Picking up vulnerable people at the bar and luring them to her house. :)

Talents - What talents does Exila Smith have?

Bold, Rational and Practical, Original, Perceptive, Direct, Sociable (When she wants to be)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Exila Smith have?

Exila doesn't really like seeing people in love. She doesn't like PDA, and she's not really liked seeing people in love in general. She tries her best to brush off these feelings, but that all comes crashing down when something comes over her.

Flaws - What flaws does Exila Smith have?

Insensitive, Impatient, Risk-Prone, Unstructured, Defiant, Misses the Bigger Picture

Motivations - What motivates Exila Smith most?

What drives Exila to kill didn't come directly from Exila; it came from her mother. Exila's mother's spirit possessed Exila and drove her to insanity, causing Exila to rage and kill those she loved.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Exila Smith have?

Smooth and confident, many layers of confidence, hatred, lust, rage. Exila puts on so many masks that no one really knows her real self, and some people wonder if even she knows her real self. Exila has a way of moving like syrup. Her demeanor is suspicious but irresistible. Almost as if you're aware you're falling for her lies but can't help yourself.

Moral Alignment

Lawful Evil

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Exila Smith’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Exila Smith practice?


She has anger towards God, growing up in a Christian home, and having her memory played with to believe that her mother took her own life, Exila grew mad at God for taking her mother away. After a while, she began to believe God didn't even exist.

Politics - What politics does Exila Smith have?


Occupation - What is Exila Smith’s occupation?

Grocery store clerk

Favorite food - What is Exila Smith’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Exila Smith’s favorite possession?

,,,,demon possession

Favorite weapon - What is Exila Smith’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Exila Smith’s favorite animal?


import_contacts History
Background - What is Exila Smith’s background?

Exila was born with a mental illness commonly known as sociopathy, but it was unnoticeable at a young age. The only thing keeping her cool was her dog, Joy. When her mother accidentally ran over the dog, Exila was filled with uncontrollable rage. At just 12 years old, Exila killed her mother. She staged it like a suicide, knowing her mother struggled with depression growing up. Thinking it would protect her, Exila's father told Exila that it WAS a suicide, and after a few years of constantly being told so and taking her sociopathy into consideration, her memory shifted. By 17, Exila was convinced that her mother took her own life.

However, Exila's mother came back as a vengeful spirit, and possessed Exila, forcing her to kill her loved ones and broke Exila into the killing habit. Exila soon developed a strategy; she would go to the bar and find someone vulnerable in a relationship and convince them to follow her to her house. This is where she will strategically kill them, occasionally staging it as a suicide.

Education - What is Exila Smith’s level of education?

IQ- 117

Birthday - When is Exila Smith’s birthday?

October 30, 1999

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Exila Smith have?

She used to have a Samoyed named Joy, but her mother, after a long day of work, wasn't paying attention where she was driving.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
Miscellaneous Add-Ons

It slowly creeps up my arm, I can feel it.
Tingling. Intoxicating. Stinging.
One tiny pinch turns into a biting scream.
It’s sharp. My exhale.
It’s thin. My inhale.
It glistens. My eyes.
It runs. My tears.
I toss it away, as it beats rhythmically.
As it plans it’s next date with me.

local_laundry_service Wardrobe
local_hospital Health
school Education
camera Color HTML Codes
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Hair(Blue): #3334D1
Hair(Black): #1A0E09
Skin: #FCEED4
Sweater: #C38FD1
Eyes: #1851C4

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format_quote Languages
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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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