info Overview
Name - What is Muava Buandai’s full name?

Muava Buandai

Role - What is Muava Buandai’s role in your story?

An old woman who watches over the neglected Goddess Statue in Gerudo Town, and is the last of her family line.

Gender - What is Muava Buandai’s gender?


Age - How old is Muava Buandai?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Muava Buandai have?

Heavy red eyeshadow and wing-tipped eyeliner

Hair Style - How does Muava Buandai style their hair?

Beehive held in place with a gold chain

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Muava Buandai have?


Eye Color - What is Muava Buandai’s eye color?


Race - What is Muava Buandai’s race?

Rito-born Gerudo

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Pale and ashen

Body Type

Decrepit and wrinkly with a sunken face and torso

Weight - How much does Muava Buandai weigh?

175 pounds

Height - How tall is Muava Buandai?


Hair Color - What color is Muava Buandai’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Muava Buandai’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Muava Buandai’s favorite color?

Moss green

Favorite food - What is Muava Buandai’s favorite food?

Barbecued venison

Favorite possession - What is Muava Buandai’s favorite possession?

Vati Buandai's Zora circlet

Favorite weapon - What is Muava Buandai’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Muava Buandai’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Muava Buandai practice?

Vatra'tor, although she respects the Divine

Politics - What politics does Muava Buandai have?


info History
Background - What is Muava Buandai’s background?

Muava was the last child of her family's line, the line of the disgraced and forgotten Vati Buandai. After completing 10 years on military service, five more than was necessary, Muava set out to become an adventure and find love. While she set sights for the fabled Lover's Pond, along the way she became a respected adventurer who commanded attention everywhere she went, especially from men. Although she enjoyed their company, Muava was determined to find her true love at the Lover's Pond, and regularly rejected suitors. She never found the pond or her true love, and as the years and decades went by, her beauty and ability to travel waned.

As a old woman, Muava now spends her days reminiscing about her past to the neglected Goddess Statue in a rarely frequented alley back home. Although she does not personally worship the Goddess, she respects and understands the importance of the statue, and vowed to maintain it despite the fact that no one ever comes to pray to it.

Her only regret is that the legacy of the Great Vati Buandai will die with her.

Education - What is Muava Buandai’s level of education?

Formally taught in Gerudo Town's public school system, and stayed in the military for 10 years

Birthday - When is Muava Buandai’s birthday?

20 Koum 10,018 E.H. in the Gerudo calendar

22 Sprina 84 E.A. in the Hylian Calendar

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Apparel
folder_open Speech
folder_open Other details
folder_open Wealth

This character was created by Ammy M. on

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