info Overview
Name - What is Solin Seblire’s full name?

Solin Seblire

Age - How old is Solin Seblire?


Gender - What is Solin Seblire’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Solin Seblire go by?

Your Highness

Role - What is Solin Seblire’s role in your story?

Strisen and Kraiotan's Father

face Looks
Body Type

Big, strong, and tall.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Solin Seblire have?

His red bears is graying

Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Solin Seblire?


Hair Color - What color is Solin Seblire’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Solin Seblire style their hair?

No longer than his shoulders, his beard is always neatly trimmed.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Solin Seblire have?

Full Beard

Eye Color - What is Solin Seblire’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Race - What is Solin Seblire’s race?


Weight - How much does Solin Seblire weigh?


accessibility_new Nature
Motivations/ Political Stance

Facing off with Jerlorn and protecting Strisen from the truth of his mother.

Flaws - What flaws does Solin Seblire have?

He can seem absentminded and cold but in reality he is constantly strategizing. He has a short patience with anyone but his son and is extremely over protective of him. It is under his orders that Strisen is to never find out about his mother.

Talents - What talents does Solin Seblire have?

He has a mind for strategy but he loves numbers and has a very analytical mind.

Extra Templates

Loves Jerlorn a lot, but is often fed up with his antics

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Solin Seblire’s favorite food?

Roast Beef

Religion - What religion does Solin Seblire practice?


Politics - What politics does Solin Seblire have?

He believes that the best course of action is the most benefit for the greatest amount of people. Maximum Utility. That and he wants to see Jerlorn Deracose dead.

Occupation - What is Solin Seblire’s occupation?

Former king

Favorite color - What is Solin Seblire’s favorite color?

Bronze/ Copper

Favorite possession - What is Solin Seblire’s favorite possession?

A little novel with his wife's annotated notes in the margins and multicolored underlining.

Favorite weapon - What is Solin Seblire’s favorite weapon?

His broad sword and his hunting dogs.

Favorite animal - What is Solin Seblire’s favorite animal?

Bear (esp bear cub)

info History
Background - What is Solin Seblire’s background?

Married 1053 APC

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Solin Seblire have?

Hunting companions, horse, hounds, falcons etc.

business_center Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
description Storyline
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This character was created by Deca P. Carlisle on

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