info Overview
Name - What is Lilith Galen’s full name?

Lilith Galen

Gender - What is Lilith Galen’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lilith Galen go by?

Lily, Lil

Role - What is Lilith Galen’s role in your story?

One of the main characters

Age - How old is Lilith Galen?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Lilith Galen style their hair?

Bob that ends just after the chin, wavy

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lilith Galen have?

Small scar on her left cheek

Body Type


Skin Tone

Warm yet tan

Race - What is Lilith Galen’s race?

Biracial (caucasian/chinese)

Eye Color - What is Lilith Galen’s eye color?

Jade Green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lilith Galen have?


Hair Color - What color is Lilith Galen’s hair?

Espresso brown, almost ombre

Weight - How much does Lilith Galen weigh?


Height - How tall is Lilith Galen?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Lilith Galen have?

She reads and dances regularly, wanting to keep up her physique. She also hangs out with Sammy very often having their "girls nights" and discussing everything about the team, their missions, etc.
She also tries to keep up with plants and herbs for naturopathic however she doesn't have the best green thumb.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lilith Galen have?

For whatever reason is super athletic when stressed but would never touch a weight in her life at any other point.
When she's excited she tends to jump up and down like she's a child just given candy.
Turns into a total introvert, not talking to anyone when sad.
When she's really working on something she often forgets to eat or drink without someone reminding her.

Motivations - What motivates Lilith Galen most?

She needs to pay off her medical school debts and still be able to buy food. Even though she knows her parents would help her she wants to make it in this world on her own.

Flaws - What flaws does Lilith Galen have?

She gets stressed too easily, and always looks for a reason to get stressed. This impacts her health and mentality during a mission. Doesn't trust easily, due to events that occurred in her past.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lilith Galen have?

Believes that women and men should be held equal to all things.

Talents - What talents does Lilith Galen have?

Eating a whole bowl of noodles in under a minute.
Finishing a 300 page book in a few hours.
Since she's a med-student, she can do stitches and quick replacements.

Personality type - What personality type is Lilith Galen?

Very playful when with the right people, especially Sammy. She's rather quiet when it comes to people as she has a touch of anthropophobia, however once she's comfortable with you she's very talkative. Tells some pretty bad jokes. Work wise she's a machine, only focusing on the task at hand and nothing else. While she seems very mature and quiet, she may be the most childish of the bunch, especially with the fact that she's the youngest.
She's an ambivert so her mood changes everyday, somedays she just wants to read her books/textbooks in her room, but other days she'll be pretty social.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Lilith Galen’s favorite food?

Noodles and noodle dishes.
It's the only thing she can afford really.

Favorite animal - What is Lilith Galen’s favorite animal?

Bunny. There's something about the innocence in their eyes. There was also this bunny that used to come in her yard everyday after school, one day it was hurt and she adopted him and nursed him back to health.

Favorite weapon - What is Lilith Galen’s favorite weapon?

Prefers artillery and guns.

Favorite possession - What is Lilith Galen’s favorite possession?

A glass puppy that was given to her by her mom before she left for university.

Favorite color - What is Lilith Galen’s favorite color?

Forest green, she's always liked nature and this reminds her of when she was a child and her parents would take her camping every summer.

Occupation - What is Lilith Galen’s occupation?

She is the teams medic and resident computer nerd.

Politics - What politics does Lilith Galen have?

None, she doesn’t stay updated

Religion - What religion does Lilith Galen practice?

Agnostic, always has been.
Her parents didn't exactly take her to church, so that's how she was raised.

info History
Birthday - When is Lilith Galen’s birthday?

September 1

Background - What is Lilith Galen’s background?

She was born to birth parents Emmet and Jennie Rier, but her parents had her when they were very young. When she was 4 years old her parents couldn't handle her anymore (they were too young and couldn't handle the responsibility) and dropped her on the street. This is what caused her anthropophobia because if she couldn't trust her own parents who could she really trust. Her adoptive parents, or her "mom" and "dad" found her on the streets and took her in taking care of her ever since.
Her parents are supportive af but she doesn't want them to think less of her due to what she does in her spare time. Ever since childhood she wanted to study medicine because she watched one of her cousins (the one she was closest to because their parents always forced them to hang out together) go through pancreatic cancer. When they died she decided that she would try and find a cure to help others survive what she went through. However she quickly realized how in debt she would be, trying to find a job to help pay them off as soon as she could.

Education - What is Lilith Galen’s level of education?

Studying medicine to become a doctor, finished high school with a high grade (but quite honestly was powered by stress, lack of sleep and coffee)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lilith Galen have?

She had a bunny named Cookie because he liked to eat cookies. Unfortunately she wasn't able to bring that bunny to her apartment so it lives with her parents, along with her other pet, a dog named Cloud.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Some other things about her are that she speaks many languages, which comes in handy when dealing with foreign people. Some of the languages she speaks are, signing, English of course, Spanish and Chinese. She speaks many others but those are just a few.
important to know that her anthropophobia mainly kicks in when she's around people she really wants to make a good impression on. with professors she's generally fine but potential friends cause the fear
She scares off a lot of potential friends because of her phobia, as she'll either come off as weird or too strong.

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This character was created by Blue Duck on

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