info Overview
Name - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s full name?

Samantha Hailey Toben

Gender - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Samantha Hailey Toben go by?


Role - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s role in your story?

One of the main characters

Age - How old is Samantha Hailey Toben?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Samantha Hailey Toben style their hair?

messy waves

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samantha Hailey Toben have?

A birthmark on her foot

Body Type

Flexible toes

Skin Tone


Race - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s race?

English, and a quarter Swiss

Eye Color - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Samantha Hailey Toben have?


Hair Color - What color is Samantha Hailey Toben’s hair?

Dark brown with highlights

Weight - How much does Samantha Hailey Toben weigh?

Average to her height, but light compared to everyone else

Height - How tall is Samantha Hailey Toben?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Samantha Hailey Toben have?

Pulling pranks on others
Playing the wooden fish in the air vents for everyone to enjoy

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samantha Hailey Toben have?

-Always cracking her bones
-Is super energetic
-Slaps people on the back (a little too hard)
-Puts feet table
-Doesn't call people by their real name

Motivations - What motivates Samantha Hailey Toben most?

To go out with a "bang"

Flaws - What flaws does Samantha Hailey Toben have?

-Is too stubborn
-Will do what she wants no matter what others think
-Never really takes anything seriously

Talents - What talents does Samantha Hailey Toben have?

Scary good at hide and go seek
Can fit in really small places
Is classically trained in piano, but prefers to play the wooden fish

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s favorite weapon?

Whatever handy at the time

Favorite possession - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s favorite possession?

Her wooden fish

Favorite color - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s favorite color?

Space blue

Occupation - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s occupation?

Still in school

Politics - What politics does Samantha Hailey Toben have?

None. Sam tries to avoid controversial topics.

Religion - What religion does Samantha Hailey Toben practice?

No religion

info History
Birthday - When is Samantha Hailey Toben’s birthday?

March 31

Background - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s background?

Grew up playing piano. Her parents would always play old fashioned records around the house, and the three siblings would put on little concerts.
Struggled with her illness (Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer). The cancer took her dad's life, he was a miner, and she was exposed. When he died, they didn't know what killed him so they didn't think much of it at the time. About ten years ago, when she started to experience shortness of breath, her older sister took her to a doctor. The doctor said nothing seemed wrong, and that it was probably just asthma. Then Sammy came down with what seemed to be pneumonia. When it happened again, the doctors did some tests, and they discovered the cancer, in the earliest stage. Since then she has experienced shortness of breath, chest pains, and the very worst, pernal fluid build up. The medical advancements in this world allow her life to be prolonged with pills, but it's still a death sentence. As the medicine freezes the cancer cells to stop their advancement, it also kills the good cells. Surgery costs too much, so this is her only option.
Lived with her older sister (mother figure) and twin brother, Sammy starts to learn how to live life to the fullest.
Started to steal things when she was young
Her sister played the wooden fish, and she inherited it after the sister left with her fiance when Sammy was 14. Sister still sends money to keep Sammy and Jack in the apartment, but only visits if she needs to. Sammy and jack earned scholarships to some music school, Sammy playing piano, and Jack playing cello.

Education - What is Samantha Hailey Toben’s level of education?

Finished high school, and entered university to study the fine arts and piano

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Samantha Hailey Toben have?


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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Blue Duck on

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