info Overview
Name - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s full name?

Constance Atticus Vivre

Age - How old is Constance Atticus Vivre?

14 years of age

Gender - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Constance Atticus Vivre go by?


Role - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s role in your story?

Her role is the inverse image of me, my insides stamped out on a person that looks like me, talks like me, thinks like me, but doesn't have my name.

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

none. She's a lady godamnit

Hair Style - How does Constance Atticus Vivre style their hair?

Long, down, messy, only up on rare occasions

Hair Color - What color is Constance Atticus Vivre’s hair?

Blonde, a little orangey, a little brown at parts. Auburn.

Height - How tall is Constance Atticus Vivre?

about 5'2

Weight - How much does Constance Atticus Vivre weigh?

about 120 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Constance Atticus Vivre have?


Body Type

Short, curvy, bold

Skin Tone


Race - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s race?

Her mom is scottish and romanian, her dad is english and german. White, as, fuck.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

She has a inborn hatred to graphite pencils and neglectful parents.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

Her hands shake sometimes and her face turns really red when she's embarrased, but mostly she just dances around or struts about like she's ten feet tall. She'll tell you when she's pissed off but she'll only tell you why if she trusts you, and it takes years to gain her trust.

Motivations - What motivates Constance Atticus Vivre most?

She wants to be heard for who she is, and to figure out what the hell life is.

Flaws - What flaws does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

She overthinks everything and can't fake interest in anything. Bad liar, worse cook.

Talents - What talents does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

She's not a bad singer, but she loves to write.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

Writing, reading, soulsearching, avoiding socialization, sleeping, drinking too much coffee

Personality type - What personality type is Constance Atticus Vivre?

Probably a mix of both introvert and extrovert. Loves people, loves her pillow even more

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s favorite animal?

Somewhere between a dog and a grey fox.

Favorite weapon - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s favorite weapon?

Long swords of course. Bow and Arrow as a backup, in case of particularly large dragons.

Favorite possession - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s favorite possession?

The silver piano box her dad gave her when she was six.

Favorite food - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s favorite food?

spinach pizza. It's heaven bro.

Favorite color - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s favorite color?

Scarlet/maroon and emerald green.

Occupation - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s occupation?

Teenager. Does stupid shit for kicks.

Politics - What politics does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

Green party. Left hand for equality, right hand for rights. Interestingly enough, she hates the idea of both.

Religion - What religion does Constance Atticus Vivre practice?


info History
Background - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s background?

Normal childhood, lots of confusion, lots of laughter

Education - What is Constance Atticus Vivre’s level of education?

Highschool student on her way to college

Birthday - When is Constance Atticus Vivre’s birthday?

September 3rd

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Constance Atticus Vivre have?

Lots of animals, grew up on a farm

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Constance is a person who lives mostly in her head. It takes years for her to trust somebody, and once they break that trust it's gone forever, even if she forgives them. Her character arc goes from over-active imaginative child to stubborn and sarcastic teenager who keeps that child inside of her always.

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This character was created by Constance Vivre on

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