info Overview
Name - What is Carissa Kuronas’s full name?

Carissa Kuronas

Age - How old is Carissa Kuronas?


Gender - What is Carissa Kuronas’s gender?


Role - What is Carissa Kuronas’s role in your story?

Main protagonist of untitled second novel

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Carissa Kuronas have?

her eyes are oddly colored being nearly white. It is a side of effect from her using her ability too much.

her arms are coated with scars.

Weight - How much does Carissa Kuronas weigh?

135 lbs

Height - How tall is Carissa Kuronas?


Hair Color - What color is Carissa Kuronas’s hair?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Carissa Kuronas style their hair?

She generally brushes it straight back and leaves it at that.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carissa Kuronas have?


Eye Color - What is Carissa Kuronas’s eye color?

Very light grey (silver)

Race - What is Carissa Kuronas’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

slighty tanned

Body Type

Thin for her age

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Carissa Kuronas have?

Carissa is an avid reader. Carissa is a master at Checkers (she is surprisingly terrible at chess) she is inadvertantly adept at concealing her emotions.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Carissa Kuronas have?

She enjoys watching others and taking notes on their personalities.

Motivations - What motivates Carissa Kuronas most?

Assisting Zatoi in any way she can. Reparing her broken mind.

Flaws - What flaws does Carissa Kuronas have?

Her blind loyalty to Zatoi despite everything he does. She is stubborn beyond belief.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Carissa Kuronas have?

Like many other residents of Flora, Carissa is prejudice against any Shinzen.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Carissa Kuronas have?

She tends to try to stand perfectly still while talking, it leads to her slightly shaking giving the opposite of the desired effect.

She sometimes reflects the personalities of those around her, Zaura per se

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite weapon?

When Carissa needs a weapon, she creates whatever she can that most suits the situation.

Favorite animal - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Carissa Kuronas practice?

Carissa is very stern with her atheism

Politics - What politics does Carissa Kuronas have?

Carissa is a definite anarchist.

Occupation - What is Carissa Kuronas’s occupation?

Carissa used to work at the gas station by the edge of Flora before it burned down.

Favorite color - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite food?

Carissa enjoys pouring juice in a bowl freeezing it and eating it with a spoon.

Favorite possession - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite possession?

her dull dagger.

info History
Education - What is Carissa Kuronas’s level of education?

Carissa has completed high school.

Birthday - When is Carissa Kuronas’s birthday?

January 14

Background - What is Carissa Kuronas’s background?

Carissa was born on Kleoa, the smallest planet of the Queen Galaxy. (for context the population is 48.4 million, very small planet) her parents were young (mother/ Rose Kuronas 21, father/ Sable Kuronas 20) they lived far north in a quite large town, Yanis. Betsy Shinzen had recently begun her rule over the planet, she was a naive queen unprepared for the trials and choices she would have to make. She held the planet in a tight grip because that´s what Ashley told her to do. Soldiers walking the streets keeping civilians in check, food distributed in set portions with no exceptions. Kleoans in general did not develop as many ¨powered ones¨ as the other planets 1 in 30 children were born with an ability on Kleoa. This made keeping the civilians in check that much easier. As Carissa grew older she met her first friend, Zatoi Clodes. (Carissa 6/Zatoi 7) Zatoi at this point had already lost his parents to the Shinzen. He eventually was taken in by Carissa´s parents, but Zatoi never changed his name. This simple life Carissa had went on for three more years after this event.

(Carissa age 9/Zatoi age 9) at this point in her life Carissa was starting to get an understanding of how her ability worked, she hurt herself and she was rewarded with power. (Carissa´s ability is omnipotence at the price of pain, she inflicts pain on herself ie cutting herself and she can perform a simple task ie creating an apple. The power produced is dependant on the amount of pain she feels) She practiced and practiced; jamming pencils into her arm, cutting herself with blades from pencil sharpeners. Other children took notice and told their parents of this. Teachers and parents took notice and thought, She could create food with such simple injuries. She could even create weapons. Carissa´s parents feared Carissa hurting herself, they saw her scarred body and tried to prevent her from hurting herself further. Others cared not for Carissa´s life. A group of people, about 15 spanning from complete strangers to some close family came to the Kuronas home. They wanted to test Carissa, they wanted to see just how much she could make. Sable, Carissa´s father, drove them away with a shotgun. The Kuronas enjoyed three days of peace, neither Carissa nor Zatoi went to school, they sat together, talked, played games, ate, enjoyed and appreciated their happiness. Then the mob returned, with weapons.

The Kuronas were warned twice more when the mob returned, the four of them retreated out the back door as the mob broke into the front. Sable was shot instantly. The civilians chained Carissa´s legs to a tree and threatened to torture Rose and Zatoi unless she started making weapons. Unbeknownst to Carissa; Zatoi and Rose were shot and left for dead in a river. Carissa cut and cut at herself deeper than she´d ever cut before. With the weapons the civilians waged war against the nearby Shinzen forces. With surprise on their side the civilians managed to overwhelm the bulk of the Shinzen in the town.

A few hours after the initial attack Betsy heard of the growing revolt. Betsy ordered three platoons to Yanis to subdue the threat. The Shinzen reinforcements came in fast and hard led by the general of the Kleoan army at the time, Iager Follerson. General Iager had the ability to control temperature, he marched alone into the city from the east in a special suit. He offered the citizens a deal- surrender and they would keep their lives. They tried to shoot him but the temperature in the eastern part of the city dropped instantly. Guns cracked, the blood in the civilians bodies froze, the slaughter began. Waves of soldiers swept through the city all bearing mechanical suits that protected them from the bulk of the cold.

Attempting to flee one of the men that originally took Carissa went to her and unchained her broken body from the tree. He tried to force her to create a helicopter or anything he could use to escape. It was at this moment Zatoi returns, injured but alive. Zatoi tries to kill the man with a large stick but is beaten down. Carissa watches the man unleash a clip of bullets into Zatoi before running away giving up on Carissa. Carissa, cold, battered, covered in cuts bruises, and blood, begins to drag Zatoi´s body. She drags him beyond the edge of town begging for him not to die, all of her pain culminated in this moment. Every cut every bump as they dragged her kicking and screaming from her family, every bullet tearing into her father´s back as he yelled for her to run, RUN. everything they made her make, they were supposed to be on the same side; they were supposed to be the same people huddled together under the harsh storm of the Shinzen. She fell onto her knees arching back a burst of emotion tearing from her body in the form of a silent scream. She wouldn´t let him die, she wouldn´t let him leave her alone in this world. She would not let him die. Using her emotional pain as the catalyst Carissa raises Zatoi from the dead, but this isn´t all she does; from this point on Zatoi becomes immune to death. Not a perfect immortality like Michael but just as effective.

The moment Carissa does this, her hazel eyes change to a very light grey. Carissa essentially cracks herself here. She does not directly feel this though, she only feels that something is missing and she just cant feel it. Like an itch that no matter what you do you simply can't make it go away; Carissa spends the rest of her life trying to satisfy that itch. This change in her personality would be obvious to anyone close enough to know Carissa at this point in her life, but there was no one. Everyone she loved had died except Zatoi. And Zatoi was hellbent on revenge. Not against the Shinzen, not against humanity, against life itself. The two of them together but not truly together eventually meet Rio Giraud who gives them their chance. this is 6 years before the start of the first novel.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Carissa is asexual, this is tested when she finds herself growing ¨feelings¨ for Cameron but they agree on just being close friends instead of pushing for a relationship. It is implied that Carissa is molested while held captive by the rampant villagers.

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