info Overview
Name - What is Lily Greenheart’s full name?

Lily Greenheart

Age - How old is Lily Greenheart?


Gender - What is Lily Greenheart’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lily Greenheart go by?

Frida gives her the nickname 'Lily of the valley' in her poems, meaning purity of heart and sweetness

Role - What is Lily Greenheart’s role in your story?

Main character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Lily Greenheart’s eye color?

brown, very close to black

Race - What is Lily Greenheart’s race?

African American

Skin Tone

black, but slightly lighter than Shaw

Body Type

she's a bit bigger than average, but incredibly flexible because of the years of yoga training

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lily Greenheart have?

Almost always wears yoga or sport clothes, a small daisy necklace Frida gave her for her birthday. yellow eyeshadow, sometimes wears a scarf around her head to keep her hair out of her face. Doesn't like to show skin, but does show of her curves.

Weight - How much does Lily Greenheart weigh?

67 kilo's

Height - How tall is Lily Greenheart?


Hair Color - What color is Lily Greenheart’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Lily Greenheart style their hair?

worn in a knot behind her head, when lose it looks more like curly/ kinky

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lily Greenheart have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lily Greenheart have?

licking her lower lip when stressed, fidgetting with her left ear when uncomfortable. this is 'secret language' for Frida to change the topic

Personality type - What personality type is Lily Greenheart?

Bit of a know-it-all, but in a good way. always ready to help people out when they need it.
Doesn't sleep much, is all night up writing or reading. gets really into other people's interests too, and makes friends easily this way.
gives off this pure and sweet vibe, like the warmth of honey tea.
She's a demon, repressing all the urges that come with it. But when Frida (her lover) dies she can't control it and leaves.
Loves her friends above all and won't let any harm come to them.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lily Greenheart have?

reading foreign books in foreign languages. working on her yoga skills, talking about outerspace with Veronica,
collecting autumn leaves for Frida. writing short stories and poems.

Talents - What talents does Lily Greenheart have?

a pro in yoga, learns quick and easily,

Flaws - What flaws does Lily Greenheart have?

too curious, doesn't ask questions when things are unclear. bottles up feelings. can't speak up for herself, but can for others.
always leaves her windows and curtains open.

Motivations - What motivates Lily Greenheart most?

get a degree in art, but overall learn as much as possible about any topic (she speaks about 9 languages, she teaches herself most of the time)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lily Greenheart practice?

her parents were chistian, but Lily abandoned that when she was 14

Favorite color - What is Lily Greenheart’s favorite color?

yellow and purple

Favorite food - What is Lily Greenheart’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Lily Greenheart’s favorite possession?

she has this big yellow arm chair with daisy's on it, it's probably her favourite.
Frida bought a daisy-necklace for her a few days before she died. Lily only opened the package just before leaving her friends.

Favorite animal - What is Lily Greenheart’s favorite animal?

White butterflies and salamanders

info History
Birthday - When is Lily Greenheart’s birthday?

7 August

Education - What is Lily Greenheart’s level of education?

primary school till college

Background - What is Lily Greenheart’s background?

She met Frida in the supermarket and they became friends. after a while lily moved in by them. no tragic stuff with family, she was just ready to move out and have a place of her own. She didn't deel sad when she left her old home, but often thinks back to it.

Now, she's a demon. Which means she has the urge to kill (which is getting harder to opress) and to ruin good moments. She doesn't get any particular powers, but the urge to hurt/kill Freyr (Satan) is growing and she leaves because of this.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lily Greenheart have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Lily is asexual, but most of the time she is okay with small kisses and cuddles. She always wants Frida to ask though before anything happens. they're both crushing on eachother, but are not ready for an official relationship
She loves bumblebees and often just mumbles the word whenever she sees one

folder_open Bedroom
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has violet walls, the lightest shade possible. a big ochreos chair with daisies, white curtains. she painted the planets on her ceiling, with a lot of small stars.
always forgets to bring her coffee cup down, so they pile up at her desk.
two bookcases, completely filled and some piles in the corner of her room.
it's neat and clean, but at the same time it's messy; her notes and books are everywhere. two big pillows on her bed.
Pieces of stories and poems are all over the place, a messy writer.
her room smells like autumn and books.
has her yogamat always unrolled.

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This character was created by Finn on

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