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folder_open Bedroom
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}

He has a wooden bed, nothing special, but he wrapped black wool around the borders to make it softer.
has a rainbow flag hanging down his door, gay pride. multiple leather jackets laying around, or folded over his chair. most of the time he has a bag of sweets on his desk. he has a small table that's filled with all types of candles. has this bucket full of candle wax shoved under his bed.
it's unlikely clean and neat, he can't stand chaos. Besides the pile of mugs on his desk, empty candy bags and blankets all over the place.
White walls, one chalkboard wall he writes all his ideas and dates on. always has multiple coffee mugs next to his bed. blankets are pilled up next to his wardrobe, or so they should be.
has a surfboard hanging sidewards on his wall with the text 'do not eat'.
Secretly has this folder full of cat photo's from magazines etc stored in his desk.

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This character was created by Finn on

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