info Overview
Name - What is Willow Fade’s full name?

Willow Fade

Gender - What is Willow Fade’s gender?


Role - What is Willow Fade’s role in your story?

(Because of her welcoming and soft demeanor she's usually the one to greet newcomers in the Arena)

Age - How old is Willow Fade?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Willow Fade weigh?

143 pounds
Average rounder weight

Height - How tall is Willow Fade?


Hair Color - What color is Willow Fade’s hair?

Bright red hair, ombre ocre

Body Type

Very broad-shouldered, inverted triangle figure
Light skinned, heavy dark freckles, button nose and sort of motherly look to her.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Willow Fade’s race?


Eye Color - What is Willow Fade’s eye color?

Turquoise blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Willow Fade have?


Hair Style - How does Willow Fade style their hair?

Tightly curled, voluminous (her natural colour, affected by her magic) about down to midback

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Willow Fade have?

White-less and pupil-less eyes
but of v colour


The usual Arena outfit: knee length black cotton tights, white tank top, translucent element-coloured tunic, black leather weapons belt (empty unless in battle-- she's best with blades), short slip-on brown boots

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Willow Fade have?

Singing; training with/teaching students; cooking (she is absolutely terrible); hanging around the Arena kitchen;
Most of her time is taken up by her research


Motherly figure to anyone and everyone

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Willow Fade have?

Twists/pulls hair back; when she's hurt or sad she avoids looking at people and wrings her hands together; bites her lip when thinking; a lot of the time she's very very still, especially when she's intimidated or in a serious conversation

Motivations - What motivates Willow Fade most?

Children or Devin at risk; helping people; Extremely loyal and ready to defend her cause;
Altruistic and works hard to make life brighter. Always the optimist and tries hard to see the best in people and forgive

Flaws - What flaws does Willow Fade have?

Gets too worked up; overly trusting and kind; extremely empathetic and so easily affected and sensitive
Her second biggest fear behind losing her family is betraying/betrayal
Once she knows a person she refuses to see the worst in them
Though she has reflexes she's not a fast runner
Occasionally tries too hard to stick to the plan. She is fierce and loving, and easily gets worked up. Her intense love of some people creates grudges that aren't so easy to let go.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Willow Fade have?

Absolutely none, she's the kindest, most open-minded person you will ever meet

Talents - What talents does Willow Fade have?

Singing; memory binds; introducing them to the Arena (usually the one who does); always knows what to say; running and climbing
A people person
Very strong magic, and very intelligent and precise which helps her for work
Can comfort and befriend easily
A surprisingly smooth liar when it's needed

Personality type - What personality type is Willow Fade?

Bubbly, kind, open and welcoming
Willow is a mother figure to anyone and everyone she meets. Protective but not overly so.
Empathetic and kind, honest but tactful and wise.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Willow Fade’s favorite food?

Padron peppers

Favorite animal - What is Willow Fade’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Willow Fade’s favorite weapon?

Blades (any and all), her magic (pyrokinesis at a high-level, as well as manipulation of fire she can do smoke)

Favorite possession - What is Willow Fade’s favorite possession?

Her kids

Favorite color - What is Willow Fade’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Willow Fade’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Willow Fade have?

Believes in fighting for yourself and not letting others do the grunt of the work

Religion - What religion does Willow Fade practice?

No sense of religion in Idora/Arena (if there was a parallel to her beliefs it would be protestant)

Job - What job does Willow Fade have?

Researcher for the Arena
(Researches ways to heal Dari, Asire; ways to balance Arito*)

info History
Birthday - When is Willow Fade’s birthday?

April 23rd (Taurus)

Background - What is Willow Fade’s background?

Willow was born into the Arena and raised in it. Both her parents dedicated themselves to their research and spent all their time working, so Willow was mainly raised by Graeme and the other Elders. Both her parents are dead, died of being overworked and Unbalanced.
They died when she was 16. Though the didn't grieve for long, she buried herself in studies to forget all pain she was feeling, and the day she turned 18 started teaching young Mages.
One day one of her students died by Unbalance. Memories of her parents flooded back, and she made the decision to focus on research and try to help the world heal from that problem.
Devin came to the Arena when she was 20. They were friends for a few months until she asked him out, and they got married quickly after they started dating (mainly because Devin was healing from his past in her company, and that was a 'sign'). They settled into life after their marriage, Devin integrated the Arena and Willow restarted teaching certain classes.
Then Willow got pregnant. By decree of the Elders her labs were closed down during her maternity leave, and the only key given to Atigo (who then became Unbalanced and attacked the Arena). Willow trusted him with this key and she blamed herself for when he stole her supplies and used them against the Elders in the War-- but she was unable to help fight, because she had gone into labour.
This is a worst nightmare for Willow: she hated the fact that she couldn't help her people in the war, but she was starting the family she'd always dreamed of. She's now having trouble balancing the guilt with catching up her duties and recovering and raising Becca.

Willow welcomed Devin to the Arena when he was struggling with his past. She was immediately drawn to him as a sort of project, because as a caring figure she needed to help this man recover from his past.
They spent a lot of time together and grew into friends in a society where Willow didn't have many. As Devin grew in confidence, growing into himself more and more, friendship burst into love. They both completed each other in ways they hadn't known they needed: they decided to get married.
More and more cases of Unbalance start to pop up and Willow is working harder than ever to fix it, Devin at her side. Their relationship is settling slowly and Devin has started to relapse into his problems which Willow is trying to help him through. And then Willow gets pregnant, and Devin can forget his problems momentarily and pins all his hope on their family.
As she leaves for maternity leave the lab is locked up and given to Atigo until Willow is back on her feet. But Atigo suddenly becomes Unbalanced and there starts the war. Willow wants to help but Devin forbids her from doing so, rightfully keeping her on bedrest.
As the war progresses and Willow blames herself, Devin doesn't cede and Willow cannot assist the war; she starts to resent Devin for keeping her from 'redeeming' herself. As the guilt gets more and more crushing and everyone is focused on military, Devin is the only one there for Willow, which is something she doesn't realize as she externalizes her problems onto him.
The war intensifies and Atigo starts attacking. Devin puts his all into protecting his wife and future daughter. He keeps Willow informed just enough to keep her satisfied but not completely so as not to agitate her further. Then comes the day and Willow goes into labour. Devin is there the whole way through, and then the news of a direct face off with Atigo arrives at the Arena.
Only an hour after labour Willow tries to leave and assist the fight but Devin stops her. Furious, she locks him out of her room, and it's only as she's rocking Becca to sleep and thinking of the pregnancy that she realizes how much Devin has been doing for her. She also realizes that he has been healing her the way she had healed him the first time they met.
Finally, the realization settles it-- Devin is the literal only person who understands Willow enough to be able to help her. Then, and only then, does she let herself depend on Devin just as he depends on her; she acknowledges she needs him to recover from the War.
Yadda yadda yadda. Happy healthy relationship.

Education - What is Willow Fade’s level of education?

Complete and then some

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Willow Fade have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Theme song

Define Unbalanced: when a person becomes unbalanced, it means the equal split of human and elemental in their Core has tipped, and their magic has taken over-- they have become a full elemental and are at the mercy of their element.

Willow Fade Appearances seem good, so no real critique there. Under conditions though, I think that's where you would put an illness or some other affliction, not the tidbit that she's a motherly figure to everyone. Like, if she were to have asthma or something. At least, that's what it describes conditions as in its tab on the website itself. I don't know if I'd put not a fast runner under flaws, but that might just be me because I keep flaws for personality flaws. Most people aren't fast runners, it's not really a flaw, even physically. Absolutely no prejudices? Nothing? I know that she's a kind and sweet mother figure, but a prejudice or two would actually make her interesting. I don't mean to say she's not interesting, it's just that she is pretty much a mother figure to a T. If she had some prejudices then she would actually feel like a human being, and not just a character to fill in the niche of being motherly. I appreciate the mix up of talents and hobbies she has though, because it sounds like she has something to keep her busy and engaging outside of the plot. I'm not sure how crucial she is to the story (like if she's a main character or a minor character) but these are always good things to have! That way, she has a few things that allow her to exist for herself and not just others. I think my biggest critique of her character is that, despite having a hefty section of flaws filled out, she is incredibly one note. Everything she is, everything she has been described as, simply leads back to her being motherly. It's okay to have these kind of characters existing in the background, but they're not very interesting. Why can't she have prejudices? Why can't she have bigger flaws other than basically 'too nice'? She's too perfect in that sense, and not very engaging. Even the most motherly of women in real life have flaws that go beyond being too trusting. Wouldn't it be more interesting if the mother figure wasn't someone who was simply too kind-hearted, and rather someone with deeper flaws? Why has she not become distrusting over the betrayal she faced in the past? What would change her? If she holds grudges, what does she do to get rid of those grudges? Does she seek revenge? Is she vicious? Her guilt is interesting, but would she make the same mistake again? If she did make this mistake, would she be someone who an audience could forgive twice? I think she's suitable for someone else's plot point in the story, or serving as a nice home base for a different character, but by herself she's not very believable and, to be honest, not a character I would personally root for in a story. Of course, I'm just one person, and I'm sure her kind of character could still click for many others, so good luck with her!

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