info Overview
Name - What is Ash Sayfter’s full name?

Ash Sayfter

Gender - What is Ash Sayfter’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ash Sayfter go by?


Role - What is Ash Sayfter’s role in your story?

Water Element (unstable Core)

Age - How old is Ash Sayfter?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ash Sayfter weigh?

200 lbs (due to muscle)

Height - How tall is Ash Sayfter?

6' 3''

Hair Color - What color is Ash Sayfter’s hair?

Smoky black

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Ash Sayfter’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ash Sayfter’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ash Sayfter have?


Hair Style - How does Ash Sayfter style their hair?

Longish just above shoulders); wavy

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ash Sayfter have?

Tattoos all up right arm gotten when they arrived at the Arena (extension of their cores, necessary for soldiers)

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Ash Sayfter have?

Fighting and Training; Humming (he's tone deaf); going to musicals/plays (only his sisters know about this side of him); Linguistics

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ash Sayfter have?

Running hands through hair when nervous; twisting ring when thinking and sad; Raises eyebrows when talking; clenches jaw when angry; stares at you for a bit before talking

Motivations - What motivates Ash Sayfter most?

His loved ones (Léonie and Dahlia); Justice; Being accomplished

Flaws - What flaws does Ash Sayfter have?

Is sometimes cold, rough, mean; secretive; cannot control his emotions and has a lot of outbursts (unbalanced Core); Can overthink some things

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ash Sayfter have?

Dislikes people who are naturally good at something

Talents - What talents does Ash Sayfter have?

Lying(though he doesn't do it often); fighting (hand-to-hand, weapons and magic); extremely intelligent; writing

Personality type - What personality type is Ash Sayfter?

Quick to get carried away; Lively and strong

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Ash Sayfter’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Ash Sayfter’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Ash Sayfter’s favorite weapon?

Curved dagger

Favorite possession - What is Ash Sayfter’s favorite possession?

Wedding ring

Favorite color - What is Ash Sayfter’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Ash Sayfter’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Ash Sayfter have?

Does not interest him in the least

Religion - What religion does Ash Sayfter practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Ash Sayfter’s birthday?


Background - What is Ash Sayfter’s background?

His parents were incredible people: kind and brave and smart and all those positive traits, both teachers. Ash idolized them both. Both twins were just like their parents. They rapidly gained admission to their hometown's Arena, a sort of specialized academy where their parent's taught. It was only when he and Dahlia (his sister) went to the Arena that Ash started feeling differently. He could never sit still, or concentrate. When he was in class, he daydreamed about training to fight; when he was training, he was almost in a haze. He was as smart as his sister, if not smarter, but not suited to a sit-behind-a-desk-and-stay-indoors kind of life. So when they both applied to stay at the Arena as apprentice teachers (the family business), Ash was refused while Dahlia was taken (this was at 15 years old). This crushed them both, as they ended up being separated. Ash stayed home with his parents while his sister continued her education.
And yet, he never hated her or envied her. He only started doubting himself: why couldn't he be as good as her?
This really affected him, and he gave up. But his parents knew that he didn't want to sit still his whole life, so against their better judgement they sent in an application for him as a soldier. He was immediately taken back by the Arena.
Then his sister was the academic star, and he was the military star.
They stayed together, studying together, until the year Léonie arrived.
She was a French Earth element prodigy, and she and Ash became fast friends. The classic story, it evolved, they got married because it was true love etc (by this time they're 19, the starting age for marriage).

A year and a half after, a huge war started. One of the leaders of the Arena, Jack Atigo, tipped the balance of his Core and became an Elemental. Ash fought in it until five of his ribs and his right leg was broken. He was sent back. Their was an enormous battle and Léonie was killed. (the prologue of the book is the first meeting after the battle, called the Elemental Revolt).
Present: Ash is grieving.

Education - What is Ash Sayfter’s level of education?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ash Sayfter have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Like Dahlia, where did he get his tattoos and how long has he had them? What do they look like?

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This character was created by Mila on

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