info Overview
Name - What is Karen Anderson’s full name?

Karen Anderson

Other names - What other aliases does Karen Anderson go by?

Karrie, kare, kara

Role - What is Karen Anderson’s role in your story?

side character, sister to the protagonist

Age - How old is Karen Anderson?


Gender - What is Karen Anderson’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Karen Anderson have?


Hair Style - How does Karen Anderson style their hair?

a simple ponytail most days, but for special events, curled to perfection

Hair Color - What color is Karen Anderson’s hair?

light, almost platinum blonde, it's dyed

Height - How tall is Karen Anderson?


Weight - How much does Karen Anderson weigh?

150 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Karen Anderson have?

a birthmark on her right temple shaped vaguely like a heart.

Body Type

cute, curvy, small

Skin Tone

pale tan, in the middle

Race - What is Karen Anderson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Karen Anderson’s eye color?

light brown

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Karen Anderson?

this girl is like, the ultimate pep squad combined into one person. she loves everything, and has worked very hard to get where she is now, and is super dedicated.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Karen Anderson have?

very, very peppy, serious when it comes to family, very eager to talk

Motivations - What motivates Karen Anderson most?

creating a family of her own, and being there for her friends and family, super supportive of her sister

Flaws - What flaws does Karen Anderson have?

she tries too hard, to the point of both mental and physical exhaustion

Prejudices - What prejudices does Karen Anderson have?

dark and gothic people are bad influences.

Talents - What talents does Karen Anderson have?

cheer (the sport), math, talking

Hobbies - What hobbies does Karen Anderson have?

running, dancing (her and her sister often dance together), equestrian

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Karen Anderson’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Karen Anderson’s favorite weapon?

she doesn't really get into fights, but if she did, it would be her words.

Favorite possession - What is Karen Anderson’s favorite possession?

the ring on her finger (yes she is engaged)

Favorite food - What is Karen Anderson’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Karen Anderson’s favorite color?

dark blue

Occupation - What is Karen Anderson’s occupation?

she is a high school math teacher

Politics - What politics does Karen Anderson have?

she tries her best to stay out of those kind of things

Religion - What religion does Karen Anderson practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Karen Anderson’s birthday?


Background - What is Karen Anderson’s background?

she grew up striving to be the best she could be, always pushing herself up and beyond her parents expectations. she graduated with a 4.0 and headed straight for college, she had her life planned out.

Of course hearing of her sisters condition was absolutely devastating, and for once in her life, she found herself struggling. any time she was home she was with her sister (or brother at the time) and as time went on and Olive slowly got better, she herself began to excel more and more.

It had been about a year and a half since she had graduated, and she was now living with her boyfriend of three years, when she heard that Ollie was going to pursue psychology. she made sure to support her the whole way through, bad grades and all.

She now lives in season's city, and works at the local high school, and was even the one who recommended olive got a job at Athena's. And for about a week had olive stay with her while she unpacked into her new house.

Education - What is Karen Anderson’s level of education?

a degree in math, as well as math education

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Karen Anderson have?

she has a little kitty named crystal

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Ashley Kent on

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