info Overview
Name - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s full name?

Oliver Sarah Anderson

Other names - What other aliases does Oliver Sarah Anderson go by?

Olive is the name she goes by, Oliver is her legal name, Ollie, Sarah, lee lee

Role - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Oliver Sarah Anderson?


Gender - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s gender?

transgender girl

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

none, if she remembers to shave in the morning, if not a light stubble will appear (thickness varies depending on how long its been)

Hair Style - How does Oliver Sarah Anderson style their hair?

long and wavy

Hair Color - What color is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s hair?


Height - How tall is Oliver Sarah Anderson?


Weight - How much does Oliver Sarah Anderson weigh?

168 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

Freckles that cover her face

Body Type

a bit of a lean figure and without sleeves has obvious muscle (developed from years of gymnastics)

Skin Tone

very tan (grew up in california, currently living in ohio)

Race - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s eye color?

sky blue 3

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Oliver Sarah Anderson?

very calm most of the time, peppy/edgy around family, graceful at work, methodical at home, she loves her job, and she loves helping people, it makes her happy

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

flowy, graceful, fidgety when nerveous (specifically plays with the ends of her sleeves), encouraging and patient

Motivations - What motivates Oliver Sarah Anderson most?

helping her patients

Flaws - What flaws does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

very hesitant when first meeting someone, doesn't open up easily, focuses very heavily on her looks and what other people think, insecure about her talents

Prejudices - What prejudices does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

Christians, this may seem bad, but growing up she was told by her family that what she was, was a sin, and that she would suffer for it. she still believes in god, but if she does meet someone who is christian, she are often very wary and reserved, she just doesn't know if she'll be judged or not.

Talents - What talents does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

gymnast, psych analysis, math, chemistry, running, basic art, communication,

Hobbies - What hobbies does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

shopping, makeup, running, sewing, dancing, reading,

groups Social
Job - What job does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

therapist at a mental facility

Favorite animal - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s favorite weapon?

A nice talk

Favorite possession - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s favorite possession?

their laptop that she's had since she was twelve

Favorite food - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s favorite food?

Corn beef and Cabbage

Favorite color - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s occupation?

therapist at a mental institution

Politics - What politics does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

all people deserve to be treated fairly, no matter who or what they are.

Religion - What religion does Oliver Sarah Anderson practice?

Christianity, though not as strictly as her family

info History
Birthday - When is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s birthday?


Background - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s background?

She was born as Oliver, a wonderful son, and later came out to her parents as transgender.

She grew up in California in a very religious family, and was often ignored or pushed to the side. after a few years of this treatment, her mother finally decided that she needed to interact with other kids her age, and signed her up for gymnastics.

She didn't connect too much with the other girls, but found a home on the bars instead. in high school is when things really took a turn for the worst, her mom was beginning to get frustrated that she hadn't yet grown out of her "phase" and took her to church as often as she could. Olive knew she didn't fit in with her family, but she didn't know what to do about it, this behavior led to Olive falling into a deep depression.

Her parents never even noticed until the day her younger brother found her in a pool of blood in the bathroom. After she recovered, she was taken to a therapist at least three times a week, and she slowly began to feel better and better.

During her recovery, Olive's parents had realized what they had done to their child, and were really trying to put their beliefs aside, though they still have some difficulties even to this day.

After five years, Olive finally felt ok, not great, but ok. She decided at that point to become a psychiatrist, she wanted to help others, just like she was by her therapist. after going through her schooling, she searched for a good job opportunity.

She found it in the form of "Athena's home for the mentally disturbed". There had been countless reports of patient abuse, but the owner of the place was very influential, and always managed to weasel his way out of it.

She decided that if it wasn't going to be fixed from the outside, then it had to be fixed from the inside. So she applied, got the job, and moved to Season's city a month later.

Education - What is Oliver Sarah Anderson’s level of education?

Bachelor's degree, medical degree, clinical residency in psychiatry

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Oliver Sarah Anderson have?

their chihuahua/ wiener dog Toby

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Ashley Kent on

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