info Overview
Name - What is The Float’s full name?

The Float

Age - How old is The Float?

The Float does not know its age, due to its odd perception of time.


It claims that whatever pronouns one feels like using could work, since it doesn't understand the concept of gender in the slightest.

Other names - What other aliases does The Float go by?

-That thing
-The Unknown

Role - What is The Float’s role in your story?

Minor Character/Non-Human/Overseer

face Looks
Hair Style - How does The Float style their hair?


Hair Color - What color is The Float’s hair?


Height - How tall is The Float?

Rested on the ground, Float is a meter tall, and a meter wide.

Weight - How much does The Float weigh?

200 lbs, exactly.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does The Float have?

There is a triangular mark upon its back, embedded into its skin. It ignores all questions as to what it means.

Body Type

It is essentially a rounded, floating pyramid, with a single eye socket embedded within it.

Skin Tone

Float's skin is a very pale orange, fleshy in color.

Race - What is The Float’s race?

Previously, it was questioned if Float was a Hedrona, however, Noaitt has confirmed that this is false. As it goes, the guesses are that Float is some sort of sentient sculpture, as the texture of its skin is extremely similar to that of hardened paper clay, but malleable and warm.

Eye Color - What is The Float’s eye color?

Both irises in the single socket of Float's "face" are a dull cerulean.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does The Float have?

The Float serves as a 100% accurate, impartial witness to Council events. It is unbiased in re-tellings of the occurrences at meetings, and remembers exactly what was said, when it was said, and how it was said. It doesn't have the ability to detect emotions, but remembers every visual quirk, intonation of voice, outfit and word of the proceedings.
It cannot provide judgement if there is an argument, but it can correct bias or discrepancies in conversation.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does The Float have?

It is silent unless spoken to, and hovers in the air if not rested in its seat. When spoken to directly, it will open its eye and focus both irises on the speaker, unblinking. If it does not understand what someone says, it will almost always blink twice, and tilt at an angle to indicate its confusion.

Motivations - What motivates The Float most?

It doesn't seem to have any motivation to do anything besides its job in the Council, and meditate.

Flaws - What flaws does The Float have?

The Float is incredibly silent, and slightly dense when it comes to processing what it is told. It also talks infrequently, to a lesser degree when compared to Rectangus, and in situations where it is not required to speak, however, this can cause problems if it suddenly needs something, and does not feel like stating any problem it has. It will also take its time forming the sentences in its head before it speaks, which can lead to drawn-out conversation and inability to quickly spread word of things.
It also has the habit of calling others out for white-lies, which has gained it a bit of ire from members of the council that participate in such a thing.

Prejudices - What prejudices does The Float have?

It seems to have a vague dislike of beings that lie frequently, which is applicable to Ahanu and Xextordon.

Hobbies - What hobbies does The Float have?

It seems to have interest in meditation, but no other interests have been plainly observed.

Personality type - What personality type is The Float?

What little is known about the Float indicates that it is a very polite, considerate being. It takes consideration of everything that it is told, and provides support that others need if it can tell they require assistance.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is The Float’s favorite food?

It favors kiwi fruits highly, but also likes kiwano melon, watermelon, and strawberries.

Favorite animal - What is The Float’s favorite animal?

The hedgehog. It likes the concept of having quills, stating it wished it had its own.

Favorite weapon - What is The Float’s favorite weapon?

A mace, simply for it's spiky appearance.

Favorite possession - What is The Float’s favorite possession?

A single quill that came from an odd alien creature it never found a name for.

Favorite color - What is The Float’s favorite color?

It likes most greens, with no specific favorite.

Occupation - What is The Float’s occupation?

It serves as an unbiased witness of Council events, and a reminder that contacts the various Council members if they have forgotten something.

Politics - What politics does The Float have?

Politics seem to bore it.

Religion - What religion does The Float practice?

It does not seem to follow any religion, though it has interest in all of them it comes across.

info History
Birthday - When is The Float’s birthday?

The Float has once stated that if its birth-date were linked to human years, its birth-date would take place somewhere during the Christmas season. Given how imprecise its perception of time is, it can't give an exact date.

Background - What is The Float’s background?

The Float has stated that it began its existence in a place it doesn't remember, since it was so long ago. It caught wind of the PoA's existence, and began the search, with nothing better to do. Once it located the PoA, it ascended, and has been living at the pedestal's location outside of meetings since. It also has confirmed that the Skitter comes from the same location that the pedestal is housed in, but won't elaborate on the state of things.
The members of the Council are extremely curious about the state of the Float's home, wondering what their life and home are like, but are too afraid or made uncomfortable by the Float to attempt to visit them.

Education - What is The Float’s level of education?

It claims that it has the schooling of an elementary student, but morally is far more intelligent.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does The Float have?

It considers Skitter to fit this role, having to take care of the creature more than the creature takes care of it.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Theo B. on

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