info Overview
Name - What is Javi Ramirez’s full name?

Javi Ramirez

Gender - What is Javi Ramirez’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Javi Ramirez go by?

His uncle calls him hijo and conejito

Role - What is Javi Ramirez’s role in your story?

The shy Northern kid.

Age - How old is Javi Ramirez?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Javi Ramirez weigh?


Height - How tall is Javi Ramirez?


Hair Color - What color is Javi Ramirez’s hair?


Body Type

Rail-like, skinny, and bony.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Javi Ramirez’s race?

Half black, half latinx

Eye Color - What is Javi Ramirez’s eye color?

gray eyes

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Javi Ramirez have?


Hair Style - How does Javi Ramirez style their hair?

Wild corkscrew curls.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Javi Ramirez have?

Missing a tooth close to the front of his mouth

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Javi Ramirez have?

Javi is a brilliant Chaser, partially due to his autism. He's also surprisingly vicious for such a withdrawn and small child, and his strength surprises his enemies. He's also a great listener.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Javi Ramirez have?

Fidgets a lot with clothes, hair, and nails, chews his nails, chews the skin around his nails, hugs himself and shifts his weight from side to side when afraid, jumpy around crowds, fiddles with his ring when he's nervous

Motivations - What motivates Javi Ramirez most?

He's a firm believer in the Trader's cause, which motivates him to be the best he can be. He wants to make it above ground one day just like his parents always taught him to want.

Flaws - What flaws does Javi Ramirez have?

Javi often looks downright hostile, hates talking to people because he stutters, can't make eye contact most of the time, doesn't think before he speaks, sometimes a pushover because he's so desperate to please others, can't stand up for himself, and although its less of a flaw than a quirk, he hates being touched and can have a meltdown if someone touches him without asking (see notes)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Javi Ramirez have?

Javi inherited from his parents a bias against the higher-ups in the Lower World.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Javi Ramirez have?

Javi loves writing and dreaming about the upper world. He relishes Scavenger missions because they take him above ground. He also loves to read about life before the dragons.

Personality type - What personality type is Javi Ramirez?

INFP-T: The Mediator
Javi is awkward. He is painfully shy, and self-conscious about his stammer. He is on the autism spectrum. He can't talk to girls to save his life, and he has trouble making friends, not because he's not likable (which he most definitely is) but because he thinks he's unlikable. He's unwilling to put himself out there. He also has trouble reading social cues, so he runs the risk of hurting others and not realizing unless explicitly told. However, once he becomes friends with Sacia and Tas, his true personality is readily available. He's a good natured kid with a ready smile, full of hopes and dreams for the future. Knowing how it feels to be ignored makes him a great listener, and when giving advice he seems wiser than his years. He's a supportive friend and an unfailing optimist.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Javi Ramirez’s favorite food?

He loves weird combinations of food, like eggs and jelly. Soft, squishy food is his favorite, and he can't stand food that he has to chew for too long. He typically spits it out.

Favorite animal - What is Javi Ramirez’s favorite animal?

Bunnies. He saw one in an old picture book and fell in love. (who's gonna break it to him that they're extinct from the dragon smoke?? not me)

Favorite weapon - What is Javi Ramirez’s favorite weapon?

Javi likes projectile weapons, like throwing daggers or a bow and arrow. He's not very good at either. Chasing is his best asset.

Favorite possession - What is Javi Ramirez’s favorite possession?

Javi is the proud owner of a ring his mother used to wear before her arrest. He holds onto it for her, promising to return it once they escape Beyond the Limit together.

Favorite color - What is Javi Ramirez’s favorite color?

Javi likes pastel colors, like pink or blue.

Occupation - What is Javi Ramirez’s occupation?

Javi is a Scavenger training to be a Chaser.

Politics - What politics does Javi Ramirez have?

He follows the political viewpoints of his parents and the other Traders. He doesn't agree with the Socialist views of the village, instead leaning more towards a Capitalistic society unachievable below ground, but very reasonable above.

Religion - What religion does Javi Ramirez practice?

He and Sacia share similar viewpoints on a God. He believes there is something greater out there.

info History
Education - What is Javi Ramirez’s level of education?

Elementary education + Scavenger education

Background - What is Javi Ramirez’s background?

Javi was born in the northern tunnels. He believes their mentality and pushes Chasing to the limit. His parents were poor miners whose jobs became obsolete once the Researchers said no material was strong enough to pierce the hide of a dragon. To cut the population and destroy the unwanted jobs, they were cast aside to the northern tunnels. Javi is a byproduct of the northern mentality. After a while of living in the lowest, dirtiest pits of the Lower World, his parents and a few others started a rebellious group called the Traders. They illegally smuggle rations and use their own form of bartering to form a small market. When they got found out, his parents were arrested. Javi now lives with his uncle, and still strives everyday to make his parents proud.

Birthday - When is Javi Ramirez’s birthday?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Javi Ramirez have?

none but he really wants a bunny

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Javi's quirks, specified: When he fiddles with his ring, it's typically when he's either bored or anxious, usually when he's in a crowd of people or when he's expected to talk. When he fidgets, it's absentminded and typically not a sign of inner turmoil. It's more of a sign of deep thought and introspection. He is very particular about being touched. If he initiates the contact, he's fine with it, but he has boundaries even then (he doesn't like his face or hands touched). When he doesn't initiate it, and someone touches him, he has a "meltdown" where he either just shuts down and stops talking entirely, and vanishes completely into himself, or he Chases away, regardless of consequences.

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This character was created by Sarah on

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