info Overview
Name - What is Sujan Witker’s full name?

Sujan Witker

Other names - What other aliases does Sujan Witker go by?

Miss Sujan

Role - What is Sujan Witker’s role in your story?

Ganondorf's female alter-ego and persona that he uses to interact with the world at large without fear of being discriminated against.

Gender - What is Sujan Witker’s gender?


Age - How old is Sujan Witker?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sujan Witker have?

  • desert star forehead brooch

  • gold eye shadow and rose pink lipstick

  • longer and pointier nose than the average Gerudo

  • shorter ears that are only slightly pointed

Hair Style - How does Sujan Witker style their hair?

High ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sujan Witker have?


Eye Color - What is Sujan Witker’s eye color?

Naturally golden, but wears enchanted specs that turn them green

Race - What is Sujan Witker’s race?

Ancient Gerudo

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Tan brown

Body Type

Sleek and somewhat muscular with a slightly cinched waist

Weight - How much does Sujan Witker weigh?

350 pounds (weight does not get displaced when shape-shifting)

Height - How tall is Sujan Witker?


Hair Color - What color is Sujan Witker’s hair?

Crimson red

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Sujan Witker have?

Hates Hyrule just as much as her counterpart

Talents - What talents does Sujan Witker have?

Same as Ganon

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sujan Witker have?

Same as Ganon

Personality type - What personality type is Sujan Witker?

Although Sujan is actually Ganon in disguise, she has a personality separate from her original self that is only partially explained by the fact that she has to pretend that she is not him. While she is still just as arrogant and sarcastic as Ganon, she is softer and more patient than him. She's quite personable in comparison and is easier to get along with than her male counterpart.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sujan Witker have?

  • cleans her glasses with her eyes closed while in the presence of others

Motivations - What motivates Sujan Witker most?

Spreading the true history of the Gerudo people to the rest of the world through the budding field of archaeology.

Flaws - What flaws does Sujan Witker have?

Same as Ganon's, but with the added flaw of being dismissive of otherss contributions to Gerudo archaeology, even if it has to do with culture that came much later after his/her time, and especially if it's presented by a non-Gerudo

groups Social
Occupation - What is Sujan Witker’s occupation?

Archaeologist with a specialty in Ancient Gerudo artifacts

Favorite color - What is Sujan Witker’s favorite color?

Rose pink

Favorite food - What is Sujan Witker’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Sujan Witker’s favorite possession?

Her desert star brooch

Favorite weapon - What is Sujan Witker’s favorite weapon?

Twin Moonlight scimitars

Favorite animal - What is Sujan Witker’s favorite animal?

Alvoii (desert snake)

Religion - What religion does Sujan Witker practice?


Politics - What politics does Sujan Witker have?


info History
Education - What is Sujan Witker’s level of education?

Has all of the knowledge that her male counterpart has.

Birthday - When is Sujan Witker’s birthday?

9 E.A.

device_hub Family
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history Changelog
edit Notes
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folder_open Wealth
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Sujan Witker

This character was created by Ammy M. on

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