info Overview
Name - What is hesperus lark’s full name?

hesperus lark

Role - What is hesperus lark’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does hesperus lark go by?

spear, hes (silvias nickname)

Name meaning

evening or evening star

Gender - What is hesperus lark’s gender?


Age - How old is hesperus lark?


face Looks
Height - How tall is hesperus lark?


Hair Color - What color is hesperus lark’s hair?

dark brown

Hair Style - How does hesperus lark style their hair?

Short, curly, 2c messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does hesperus lark have?

none, hes a siren they dont rlly have it

Eye Color - What is hesperus lark’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Race - What is hesperus lark’s race?

siren / latino

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does hesperus lark have?

piercing, scar across nose, gills obv, sharper ears & teeth

Face Shape

roundish, small face


poor, shrimpy since hes in the water he just naturally does that

Clothing Style

almsot strictly wears tank tops, doesnt like things touching his shoulders

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite possession - What is hesperus lark’s favorite possession?

his earrings, he finds stars fascinating idk; makes him feel closer connected to humans

date_range History

dies after silvia betrays him, but before nerezza tries to be good again thus leading her to doubt herself, thinking she went too far. his death leads to salem finding out crucial information from ramira. it also makes it much easier for him to go after his mom, but now it feels wrong and he feels an obligation to find out who did it.

Criminal Record

- stalking

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
hesperus lark appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Friends link linked hesperus lark

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked hesperus lark

This character was created by toxinz on

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