info Overview
Name - What is B. Hagihara’s full name?

B. Hagihara

Role - What is B. Hagihara’s role in your story?

Background Character

Gender - What is B. Hagihara’s gender?


Age - How old is B. Hagihara?

17 yrs. old

face Looks
person_pin Self-Perception
settings_input_component Traits
fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates B. Hagihara most?


groups Social
Occupation - What is B. Hagihara’s occupation?


date_range History
device_hub Family
Relationship With Mother

Very close

shopping_basket Inventory
palette Clothing
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Children Of YOU link linked B. Hagihara

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked B. Hagihara

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