info Overview
Name - What is Ping Hagihara’s full name?

Ping Hagihara

Role - What is Ping Hagihara’s role in your story?

Background Character

Other names - What other aliases does Ping Hagihara go by?

Rude Ping

Gender - What is Ping Hagihara’s gender?


Age - How old is Ping Hagihara?

60 yrs. old



Theme Song


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ping Hagihara weigh?

Very fine

Height - How tall is Ping Hagihara?

Very short

Hair Color - What color is Ping Hagihara’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Ping Hagihara style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Eye Color - What is Ping Hagihara’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Very fine build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ping Hagihara have?

A tattoo of a pair of socks on her lower back.

person_pin Self-Perception
One Word They Would Use To Describe Self

Moral - sometimes

One Paragraph Description Of They Would Describe Self

Stable - sometimes

What Does They Consider Best Physical Characteristic?

Loyal - sometimes

What Does They Consider Worst Physical Characteristic?

Generous - sometimes

Are These Realistic Assessments?

Extrovert - not at all

If Not, Why Not?

Compassionate - very

How They Thinks Others Perceive Them

IQ - 98

How They Feel About Self

Diet - eats meat

Past Failure They Would Be Embarrassed To Have People Know About, And Why

Golf Caddy - Golf at the Glades
Gym Assistant - So Fit
Semi-Professional Sports Person - City Team
Professional Sport Person - Town Athletic
Personal Trainer - Howard Fitness

settings_input_component Traits
fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Ping Hagihara have?

Obsessing over K. B.'s murder, phobias of mice, obsession of over-knee socks

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ping Hagihara have?

Looking the clues, watching television, interviewing suspects, relaxing, donating blood, swimming, extreme ironing, cookery

Personality type - What personality type is Ping Hagihara?

Kind, careful, rude, moody

groups Social


Politics - What politics does Ping Hagihara have?


Occupation - What is Ping Hagihara’s occupation?


Favorite food - What is Ping Hagihara’s favorite food?

Dough balls, ice lollies

date_range History
Birthday - When is Ping Hagihara’s birthday?

August 7th

Education - What is Ping Hagihara’s level of education?

Less than high school

Background - What is Ping Hagihara’s background?

Although the cause of death was reported as accident - falling through ice into a lake, Ping, a 60-year-old former personal trainer, is convinced that her ex-boyfriend, K. B., was murdered. She didn't finish school. She has a severe phobia of mice, and is obsessed with over-knee socks. She grew up in a working class neighborhood. Having never really know her parents, she was raised in a series of foster homes. She is currently married to S.R. . S. is the same age as her and works as a novelist. Ping has two children with husband S.: B. aged 17 and O. aged 18. Ping's best friend is a former personal trainer called F. J. They have a very fiery friendship. She also hangs around with A. C. and A. F. They enjoy relaxing together.

Type Of Childhood

Ping grew up in an impoverished neighborhood. Having never really know her parents, she was raised in a series of foster homes. Ping got her first job as a gold caddy at age 16. Ping dropped out of school.

Most Important Childhood Event That Still Affects Them And Why?

Her mother leaving when she was two.

shopping_basket Inventory
palette Clothing
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Ping Hagihara

Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Ping Hagihara

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