assignment Overview
Main Name

The Executionist

Role - What is The Executionist’s role in your story?

[The Scientist]

Redux Character Bio

  • "

List of Past and Current Affiliations

  • [Unaffiliated]
    -While the Executionist is technically affiliated with the RUMS corporation and its leaders, the only individual that commands his complete loyalty is himself.

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics
equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
Background - What is The Executionist’s background?

Combat Subject E-261d was created by Rossum's Universal Mercenary Services as a part of their Adaptive Combatics Program at an unknown time around 2043 AD to 2059 AD.

Initially, Combat Subject E-261d didn't have consciousness, as RUMS management didn't believe it was necessary to give their robots sapience when they would most likely die in combat anyway.

As per normal protocol, Combat Subject E-261d was then assigned to Squad 467-E after a quality assurance check to ensure that anomalous code didn't come into effect during the creation process.

Before Combat Subject E-261d joined Squad 267-E, the group was comprised of Combat Subject E-133p, Attack Unit R-239d, Variable Unit R-211x, Shriek Subject H-195e, and Princeps Unit S-198d.

Combat Subject E-261d assimilated well into the group, taking part in many sorties with his team across the world.
Whether they were in the territory of the Capitoline Triadne or the domain of the various Mega Corporations that populated 21st century Earth, their effectiveness was made evident through their daily skirmishes.

However, Squad 467-E would run into trouble when RUMS would assign them a mission from CombiNet Systems: "Infiltration IX: VIROS Military Hardware LLC Repository Center".

Once they made their way to VIROS Corporation's Robotic Repository Center, they would disable the automated defense systems via an automatic hack.
They would then make short work of the various droids that composed this location's only analogue defense system.

At least initially.

Through unknown means a computer virus was injected into the droids' OS, turning them into what RUMS would later designate as Amalgams: hybrids composed of machine metal and organic flesh.

Squad 467-E would face a unique problem that none of its members have encountered on their sorties.

The built-in sensors within Squad 467-E's member were designed to track organic and mechanical targets in order to ensure accurate aiming.
However, the sensors were confused by the Amalgam hybrids, their flesh and metal assembly throwing off the auto-aim in the robots.

The Amalgams would quickly turn the tables on their enemies, using their new abilities to overwhelm Squad 467-E.
While Squad 467-E proved a worthy match for the Amalgams, one of the droids would slip past Attack Unit R-239d's overwhelming firepower, staying alive long enough to inflict heavy damage to Princeps Unit S-198d.

This Amalgam would then initiate a self-destruct sequence after having its arms and head sliced and blown off by Princeps Unit S-198d.

Princeps Unit S-198d would be obliterated by the explosion, leaving only fragments of the machine behind.

Without a Princeps Unit transmitting command signals to its subordinates, Squad 467-E fell into disarray.
The disorganized and discordant drones would fall into their own combat loops, taking down as many of the droids as they could before succumbing to the waves of Amalgams attempting an escape from VIROS Corporation's Robotic Repository Center.

Each of Squad 467-E's members would meet their own private fates within the Repository Center.

Combat Subject E-133p would be surrounded by a horde of Amalgam Venators.
The robot would be dismembered, its limbs being strewn across the ground.
Finally, Combat Subject E-133p's chest would be torn open by a particularly sadistic Amalgam Venator, who then stole the kidneys for itself.

Somewhere nearby, Variable Unit R-211x would infiltrate Sector 1D of the Repository Center and outwit the comparatively dimwitted and stupid Amalgam Somatophaxes that guarded the Sector, only for Sector 1D to initiate a self-destruction sequence and explode, seemingly killing the Amalgam Somatophaxes and Variable Unit R-211x in the process.

Elsewhere, Shriek Subject H-195e would step on a mine, blowing off its left leg below the knee. It would be surrounded by Amalgam Mutilares, who did what they did best and proceeded to brutally rip off all the robot's limbs and gut the robot, before an Amalgam Mutilare with a missile launcher shot it square in the chest,

groups Social
device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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