assignment Overview
Main Name


Role - What is Araktor’s role in your story?

The Spider Researcher
(C&E Anomaly Scientist)

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics
equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
groups Social
device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

  • "A human? This should be interesting.."

  • "I guess humans never change; they never change..."

  • "Don't worry Jelly! I have a Doctorate in numerous fields, including philosophy, mental health, and counseling!"

  • "Don't worry, your baby spawners--I mean parents are being paid handsomely to account for the fact that they will never see you again!"

  • "Why are humans so attached to their makers? Back on Thera 1 I abandoned my foetus crafters when I gained the ability to walk!"

  • "Jelly, there are far worse fates than death in this world. Want to know what they are?"

Character chevron_right Nicknames/Aliases link mentioned Araktor

Character chevron_right Playful Rival(s) link linked Araktor

This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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