Scream-Stealer was created on November 13, 2040 via manual construction from Aborium, Trassium, Resilium, and other miscellaneous materials.
Scream-Stealer was originally a non-conscious drone made for melee combat; besides the high processing rate of its circuits, it wasn't anything too special.
Once more robots like itself were built, their makers would commence the 4th Alkaline Games, with Scream-Stealer serving as one of the gladiators.
During its time as a gladiator, Scream-Stealer would kill approximately 24 robots in matches, leading to the seemingly permanent demise of the robot known as Flaything as well as the machine Brotch due to.
Scream-Stealer would be killed 17 times during its run. Notable Mechs that claimed its life were Dreadnaught, @
This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on
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