Rose Weiss
Former Airship Mechanic
155 pounds
October 3rd
Rose was born to parents who taught at The Crystal River Academy and from the start was able to show exactly how smart she was - she was allowed to start taking classes at just 8 years old, and graduated the Academy at 14 with some of the highest marks any student had ever earned.
What always fascinated her, however, was airships and similar mechanisms. So she headed to the part of the city that dealt in that particular technology and by 15 had a job with them and began improving several designs. Over the next few years the airships made by the Academy made leaps and bounds technologically speaking thanks to Rose's contributions and everyone was amazed at her intelligence.
Eventually Rose fell in love with a man named Celeste. He was one of the librarians at the Academy and was smart in his own right, and their relationship worked because both often worked late at their respective jobs but they could coordinate their days off to spend together and despite rarely seeing one another their relationship flourished.
Sadly the happiness would not last. Just a year into being married Celeste was killed in an accident at the school and Rose was never the same. She spiraled into depression and threw herself into her work until she was let go for her own safety. Rose had several sources of money to draw from and wouldn't need to work anyway, but she still hated not having anything to do with herself so she turned the home she and Celeste owned into a workshop where she could build small robotic companions to keep her company. After all they can't die, and if they break she can fix them, and she'll never have to be alone or suffer losing someone she loves.
Art by LimeyMan on Subeta
This character was created by Sigilmancy on
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