info Overview
Name - What is Asher Nocida’s full name?

Asher Nocida

Role - What is Asher Nocida’s role in your story?

♧Young Vigilante♧

Other names - What other aliases does Asher Nocida go by?

Spray paint (alias)

  • Asher

  • bitch boy

  • worthless scum

  • wannabe-villain

Gender - What is Asher Nocida’s gender?


Age - How old is Asher Nocida?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Asher Nocida weigh?


Height - How tall is Asher Nocida?


Hair Color - What color is Asher Nocida’s hair?

brown (front)
blond (back)

Hair Style - How does Asher Nocida style their hair?

messy wolf-cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Asher Nocida have?


Eye Color - What is Asher Nocida’s eye color?

deep brown

Race - What is Asher Nocida’s race?

african american

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Asher Nocida have?

  • has a mole on left cheek


African American

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Asher Nocida have?

ambitious, brave, careful, dependable, diligent, efficient, fair, honest, intelligent, invulnerable, skillful, strong, straightforward, tidy, decisive, rational, tough

  • Touch-starved

  • can be sweet

Motivations - What motivates Asher Nocida most?

  • To prove he's not the villain

  • To help and protect people

  • to be a friend to his friends

Flaws - What flaws does Asher Nocida have?

Angsty, closed off, cold, cynical, cunning, Kleptomaniac, impatient, sarcastic, trust issues, deceptive, holds grudges, vengeful, violent


surprises, crowds, complaining,

Talents - What talents does Asher Nocida have?

assassinating people, lockpicking, charming people, planning, budgeting, researching, fighting

Hobbies - What hobbies does Asher Nocida have?

baking, chess, reading, stargazing, painting, gardening, graffiti art

Personality type - What personality type is Asher Nocida?




groups Social
Religion - What religion does Asher Nocida practice?


Politics - What politics does Asher Nocida have?


Occupation - What is Asher Nocida’s occupation?

villain/graffiti artist

Favorite color - What is Asher Nocida’s favorite color?

light brown

Favorite food - What is Asher Nocida’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Asher Nocida’s favorite possession?

paint brush

Favorite weapon - What is Asher Nocida’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife

Favorite animal - What is Asher Nocida’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Asher Nocida have?


Sexual orientation


date_range History
Birthday - When is Asher Nocida’s birthday?

September 8th

Education - What is Asher Nocida’s level of education?

high school

Background - What is Asher Nocida’s background?

Seth is a graffiti artist and a vigilante. He often works with Sophia and Caroline to get information and stop criminals against the law. He isn't a vigilante because of some sort of trauma of heroes or whatever, it was because of what he was taught. When he was younger, he was taught that all police and heroes were bad and sometimes even worse than the actual villains. However, Seth wanted to be good, but did not want to fall under the category of 'hero' so he became a vigilante. He was also taught that 'Forgiveness shouldn't be given easily', which is a quote he lives by. Because of that, depending on the crime and why they did the crime, he will either kill or spare the perpetrator.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Asher Nocida have?

No pets

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

"I don't care what you think of me. Call me what you want. I'm not going to stop doing what I do, and nothing will change that.

  • He doesn't trust many people except for a few

  • He is secretly a very sensitive and compassionate person

  • He can be sadistic and manipulative when he wants to, so beware. Or not, idrc.

  • He has a resting bitch face


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This character was created by Luvu on

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