info Overview
Name - What is Sophia Davis’s full name?

Sophia Davis

Role - What is Sophia Davis’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Sophia Davis go by?

baby face
little girl

Gender - What is Sophia Davis’s gender?


Age - How old is Sophia Davis?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sophia Davis weigh?


Height - How tall is Sophia Davis?


Hair Color - What color is Sophia Davis’s hair?

dark brown

Hair Style - How does Sophia Davis style their hair?

curly, medium length

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sophia Davis have?


Eye Color - What is Sophia Davis’s eye color?

deep red

Race - What is Sophia Davis’s race?

african american

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sophia Davis have?

  • sharp teeth

  • baby/soft looking face

  • Has a few patches on her face that are slightly darker

  • ear piercings


African American
- Light skinned

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sophia Davis have?

Accepting, innocent, kind-hearted, protective, caring, helpful, funny, intelligent, efficient, polite, compliant, humble

Motivations - What motivates Sophia Davis most?

supporting her brother no matter what

Flaws - What flaws does Sophia Davis have?

Clumsy, escapist, manipulative, indecisive, shy, clingy


bugs, complaining, people who have bowl cuts, kidsbop, drugs, sudoku, lima beans, wannabe mean girls

Talents - What talents does Sophia Davis have?

can speak different languages, persuading people, negotiating, archery, spelling

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sophia Davis have?

archery, dancing, photography, writing, writing rap lyrics for her brother, graffiti art, sewing, shopping

Personality type - What personality type is Sophia Davis?




groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sophia Davis practice?


Politics - What politics does Sophia Davis have?


Occupation - What is Sophia Davis’s occupation?

middle schooler

Favorite color - What is Sophia Davis’s favorite color?

golden yellow

Favorite food - What is Sophia Davis’s favorite food?

mexican food

Favorite possession - What is Sophia Davis’s favorite possession?

a plushy her brother got her

Favorite weapon - What is Sophia Davis’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Sophia Davis’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Sophia Davis have?


Sexual orientation


date_range History
Birthday - When is Sophia Davis’s birthday?

October 31st

Education - What is Sophia Davis’s level of education?

middle school (currently)

Background - What is Sophia Davis’s background?

After her parents' death, she hated everything except for her older brother and her friends. She hated people, going places. Most of all, she hated the person who killed her parents. She had become manipulative, getting everything she wanted with just a smile or a few words. She would find who killed her parents, and they would never see the light of day again. If it was the last thing she'd do.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sophia Davis have?

An all white snake with blue eyes

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

"What'd you say about Xavier?" - Sophia

  • She is really sweet towards her older brother, Xavier Xavier Davis and she would literally kill for him

  • Despite her love for her brother, his contact in her phone is 'Bitch ass Nigga'

  • Song: 'Sociopath' by 'Stay Loose'


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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Sophia Davis

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This character was created by Luvu on

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