assignment Overview
Main Name

Irritus/The Mal-Wounder

Full Name

Irritus, the Mal-Wounder

Alternate Names

The Hateful One, The Wounder, The Mal-Wounder, Rankoros,


The Mal-Wounder

Physical Age and Mental Age

The Wounder was created at around 2083, making his physical age 16 Human Years. However, his mental age leans around late 30s to early 40s.

Role - What is Irritus/The Mal-Wounder’s role in your story?

Amoral, Rage-Filled, and Sadistic Scientist

Gender/Sexual Orientation


whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics


Colors of body/Skin Color

His Coloration is a Dark Grey.

Unique/Distinctive Markings

The Wounder has various scars and dents from his time behind the Mecharus Detainment Facility, he also gained a slightly dimmed right eye after an encounter with Phoronis, otherwise known as Io in the Alkaline Games.

Body Type

The Wounder's body-type is relatively lithe in comparison to other Mecharus, but not as thin as those like with body-types like Dr.Needles.

Eye Color and Further Details

Pure Red

equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
Motivations - What motivates Irritus/The Mal-Wounder most?

Research for pain and how it drives individuals drives The Wounder's every action, he will not stop at getting the others around him, whether psychological or physical. Along with this, he seeks the euphoria and gratification of feeling the pain of his victims and enemies.

Flaws - What flaws does Irritus/The Mal-Wounder have?

His single-minded goal puts him at odds with any collaborators that work with him,

alarm History
groups Social
List of Occupations

The Wounder is a Stimulus Researcher, a Scientist that devotes themselves to a specific emotion, in The Wounder's case, pain.

device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

  • "Pain and suffering are similar yet distinct. Close but not the same.
    One is merely physical, a signal to the mind that it's time to rest; that if sustained for a little while longer, that pain may prove fatal.
    While pain indeed hurts at least to some, it is temporary if you manage to survive it. It will subside whether in a hundred seconds or in a hundred years.
    Suffering on the other hand is deeper. Sometimes it's caused by external stimuli, but in the most notable of cases they are caused by mental anguish.
    That pain you feel when a loved one perishes alone, believing that they were unloved when in reality they were beloved by the people around them.
    That feeling of self loathing and resentment you fell when someone tells you that you aren't enough.
    The sensation of hopelessnes and despair that you feel when you get into a pit that you can't climb out of.
    These are all examples of suffering. These are the feelings that I wish to inflict.
    Suffering is the key to enlightenment. It is the key to finding out the secret of our condition. Why we behave the way we do. Why we persist in this world even though hope died long ago.
    And you my dear?
    You're my keyhole."

  • "Ignore the pain if you want. It's only going to get worse from here."

  • "It's beautiful isn't it?
    When suffering doesn't discourage you from carrying out your will."

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This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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