info Overview
Name - What is Daniel’s full name?


Role - What is Daniel’s role in your story?

Master of the Order of the Blue Rose

Gender - What is Daniel’s gender?


Age - How old is Daniel?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Daniel?


Weight - How much does Daniel weigh?

164 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Background - What is Daniel’s background?

Daniel is an aasimar found in the depths of the catacombs that existed before The Order of the Blue Rose built there. He's served the Order for as long as anyone knows, but was always treated like a servant until Rose took over. She had always pushed for him to be more, to have more responsibility, to be treated like an individual instead of a research subject. Elevating him to a position as one of the Order's masters helped towards that goal, and Daniel knows he is forever in her debt for finally being able to have a life of his own.

device_hub Family
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Daniel

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Daniel

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