info Overview
Name - What is Raloran Willowspell’s full name?

Raloran Willowspell

Role - What is Raloran Willowspell’s role in your story?

Starlight Squad - Capricorn

Gender - What is Raloran Willowspell’s gender?


Age - How old is Raloran Willowspell?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Raloran Willowspell?


Weight - How much does Raloran Willowspell weigh?

104 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Raloran Willowspell’s birthday?

May 13th

Background - What is Raloran Willowspell’s background?

Born to the normally reclusive elves of Ancalen, Raloran showed an aptitude for magic early on. His family granted him tattoos to help, and as soon as he was of age they sent him to The Crystal River Academy as soon as he was of age to be enrolled.

Rather than feel honored Raloran felt abandoned. Because of the distance and their nature his family does not come to see him, and by the tradition of his people he was not allowed to return until he finished his education.

Raloran found some solace in learning an instrument, taking up the lute traditional to his people to keep a connection along with his school studies and learning how to wield the power of the Capricorn that resided in him as a member of The Starlight Squad. When he graduated instead of returning home Raloran joined The Adventurer's Guild to begin making his way in the world. With the Starlight Squad backing him and a letter of recommendation from the headmistress of the Academy he quickly found himself accepted. No better way to learn his powers than to throw himself into the fire, and since then he has excelled at being an adventurer and taking down nasty creatures few others have the skill for.

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This character was created by Sigilmancy on

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