info Overview
Name - What is Captain Rain in the Morning’s full name?

Captain Rain in the Morning

Role - What is Captain Rain in the Morning’s role in your story?

Captain of the Kraken

Gender - What is Captain Rain in the Morning’s gender?


Age - How old is Captain Rain in the Morning?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Captain Rain in the Morning?


Weight - How much does Captain Rain in the Morning weigh?

92 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Captain Rain in the Morning’s birthday?

February 11th

Background - What is Captain Rain in the Morning’s background?

Born in Brightwitch, Rain's parents were merchants that handled the goods coming through the city. And while Rain was more than happy to help the job always felt suffocating. She would watch the ships coming into the harbor and dream of being part of them, of sailing to see the world, of the freedom of the ocean.

But her parents required her, and she always felt that to go to sea would be to abandon them. When The Collapse hit her parents survived, but their business was one of the many decimated in the aftermath. They were determined to rebuild and pushed Rain even harder, and that ended up being her breaking point.

Rain refused to live just for her parents and what they wanted. A few years after the Collapse she joined The Adventurer's Guild and worked her way to the top. With enough money to buy a ship and reputation on her side she became a captain and never looked back - especially since rather than respecting her decision and giving her their support her parents instead disowned her when she refused to come home after they tried to guilt trip her into it.

Now she has the freedom she desires, jobs from the guild to keep her and her crew afloat when they need it, and her love of the sea to keep her looking forward as she captains The Kraken.

device_hub Family
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Members link linked Captain Rain in the Morning

This character was created by Sigilmancy on

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