info Overview
Name - What is A'kisa Maka’s full name?

A'kisa Maka

Role - What is A'kisa Maka’s role in your story?

Starlight Squad - Libra

Gender - What is A'kisa Maka’s gender?


Age - How old is A'kisa Maka?


face Looks
Height - How tall is A'kisa Maka?


Weight - How much does A'kisa Maka weigh?

102 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is A'kisa Maka’s birthday?

June 18th

Background - What is A'kisa Maka’s background?

Born to a tabaxi mother and a human father, Kisa (as most call her) never really fit in with her peers growing up. She was quiet and reserved, humming while she worked and finding ways to dance whenever she could. Her parents thought it inappropriate, telling her that if she kept that up she would invite all kinds of unwanted attention in her life. Kisa never listened to them, taking her studies as the Libra of The Starlight Squad seriously.

Soon enough she came of age and took the mantle of leader from other mother. Which meant her parents didn't have the authority to tell her what to do anymore, and with it she embraced her love of dance fully. The years of practice finally shown to the public, and better yet aiding her abilities as Libra and proving her parents wrong. She leads the Air Symbols with the type of skill expected of her, however, so beyond that they can't complain.

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This character was created by Sigilmancy on

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