info Overview
Name - What is Hayden Sierra Prime’s full name?

Hayden Sierra Prime

Other names - What other aliases does Hayden Sierra Prime go by?

Fallen Angel

They have DID, and they have four alters:
+ Eva (she/her, 20)
+ Jasmine (she/they, 25)
+ Kevin (he/him, 17)
+ Sia (she/her, 5)

Gender - What is Hayden Sierra Prime’s gender?

nonbinary (they/she)



Age - How old is Hayden Sierra Prime?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Hayden Sierra Prime?

(Hayden, host/primary): 5'7"

Hair Color - What color is Hayden Sierra Prime’s hair?

  • Hayden (host/primary): dark brown

  • Eva: dyed bright pink

  • Jasmine: blonde

  • Kevin: brown

  • Sia: dark brown

Hair Style - How does Hayden Sierra Prime style their hair?

  • Hayden (host/primary): usually left down, it's too thick for them to do much of anything with it and a lot fo the times, it ends up pissing someone else off

  • Eva: if she fronts for long, she'll dye her hair herself, at least at the ends, and puts it up in a ponytail

  • Jasmine: she tends to pull it back or braid it

  • Kevin: he always pulls it back and usually shoves it under a hat (he's also petitioned to cut it)

  • Sia: she usually asks for someone to braid it for her and it's almost always Gen

Eye Color - What is Hayden Sierra Prime’s eye color?

  • Hayden (host/primary): purple

  • Eva: blue

  • Jasmine: blue

  • Kevin: blue

  • Sia: purple

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Politics - What politics does Hayden Sierra Prime have?

They're pretty liberal and advocate for mental illness and especially those caused by intense trauma. They also do anything they can to bash that DID is a violent and criminal mental illness.

date_range History
folder_open Heroics and villainy
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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