info Overview
Name - What is Dr. Abernathy’s full name?

Dr. Abernathy

Full Name

Jonathan Abernathy

Role - What is Dr. Abernathy’s role in your story?

Masterminded criminal

Gender - What is Dr. Abernathy’s gender?


Age - How old is Dr. Abernathy?

Late 30s

face Nature
Motivations - What motivates Dr. Abernathy most?

Revenge, Power


Dr. Abernathy's soul burns with the need for revenge on his former best friend, the man who started a blood feud after Rongeur's lady friend cheated on him with Abernathy, producing a daughter, Nakusha.

In order to get revenge he needs to get rid of Dr. Rongeur, AND Dr. Chronicus because of the necromancer's ability to both revive the surgeon and fight back with a vengeance against the his plans...As well as the Caezhar fortune. He is using Gabriel to get close to Dr. Chronicus and spy on the guild. Playing off the boy's greed for power by offering him control of the guild, the Caezhar fortune, and revenge on Dr. Cogsgear. In reality, as soon as Gabriel as no longer useful to him, Abernathy or Doc Ploompins will end him.

He teamed up with Karnal due to the feline's power and similar interests of revenge on the guild, mainly Doc, who tricked him with a flashbang. Karnal wants revenge on the harpie and also wishes to learn the secrets of necromancy. Karnal was first discovered by Dr. Abernathy in an alleyway suffering from his fresh injuries and smoldering with hatred. He has agreed to aid the cause and will probably be used to keep an eye on Dr. Abernathy to make sure he doesn't get ideas of a coup. Unbeknownst to Doc Ploompins, part of the favor that Abernathy asked the feline was to help him overthrow the kingpin due to a fear that he will eventually outlive his usefulness and be done away with. Karnal is a double agent.

Doc Ploompins first met Dr. Abernathy in a casino wracked with debt and a failing medical clinic. Abernathy was facing charges of medical malpractice due to his unethical procedures. Doc Ploompins saw someone he could use in Abernathy, who had a violent hatred of Dr. Rongeur as well. This shared hatred caused an alliance between the two, albeit unstable. Abernathy's family power helped support the kingpin while the kingpin lended Abernathy the money to pay off his gambling and medical debt. This also meant that Abernathy was locked into a pact, the kingpin kept a close eye on the doctor to keep his ambitions for power in check, letting him go off and fight Dr. Rongeur while keeping a safe distance.

groups Social

Doc Ploompins Doc Ploompins, Gabriel Gabriel, Karnal Karnal


Dr. Rongeur

date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
account_circle Looks
Age - How old is Dr. Abernathy?


Eye color - What is Dr. Abernathy’s eye color?

A dark and stormy green

Fur Color


Hair Color - What color is Dr. Abernathy’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Dr. Abernathy style their hair?

Short and unkept

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dr. Abernathy have?




Race - What is Dr. Abernathy’s race?





A long leather coat with a pair of black boots that looked brand new and a cane was held in his right hand.


His face was heavily scarred. He had one eye, an eyepatch over the other and his features were rough and rugged in a way that made him seem like the living dead.

assessment Stats
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