info Overview
Name - What is Dr. Rongeur’s full name?

Dr. Rongeur

Full Name

Maxilleon Incus Rongeur

Name Meaning






Other names - What other aliases does Dr. Rongeur go by?

Max, "Mad Max" (by Jumari)

Gender - What is Dr. Rongeur’s gender?


Age - How old is Dr. Rongeur?




face Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dr. Rongeur have?

Dark, cynical, but still somewhat humorous and sarcastic personality. He has a rather jaded view on life due to his sad past, but he likes to use his sarcastic humor to cope. A sarcastic and cynical man, often having a nihilistic and misanthropic view on people and the world around him.

A more dark, dry and sarcastic sense of humor and they're very smart and calculating. Makes witty comments and one-liners to his enemies, and he has no problem telling the truth, no matter how hurtful it could be. Very much a loner. Can seem like they're the most kind and charming person you've ever met, and the next minute they can be the most brutal and violent person you've ever met.

Personality type - What personality type is Dr. Rongeur?



Chaotic Neutral




"Sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz."

"Ain’t no need to be offended darlin. Just bustin’ ya balls."

"Now, you see I’ve got three little friends called Smith and Wesson in my coat here." Rongeur pulls out his pistols and points them at the gangsters.

Rongeur points a pistol at the head of the gangster closest to him. "I’m a doctor, not a mathematician. I never liked numbers anyway."

"Ain’t heard of the holy spirit, you blasphemous heathens? Now, you can either stop what you’re doing now, or you can spend the night in an alley as an anatomy lesson for me." Rongeur raises his pistols high in the air and aims for the nearest gangster’s head, finger on the trigger.

"Now why in Satan's name would I do a thing like that?"

"I'll have these chains off in two shakes of a rabbit's ass."

"Just keep bein' one hell of a broad. Now, if there’s nothin' else I can help ya with, I’d get out of here before the popo show up, understand?"

"What in the name of Mary Magdalene's sacred pussy is going on here?"

"You don’t like being called sweetheart? Well too bad, we’re doing it anyway. "

"This is gonna sting like a bitch, hold still."

"I don’t give a rat’s ass how you take my orders, or if you even follow them."

"I swear, if you make a scene…I’ll knock you right the hell out."

"Well hell’s bells, I don’t have writing instruments, just a scalpel and a hacksaw."

Starts scribbling down notes with a fountain pen on the back of a prescription for leeches.

"What's in it for me if I look into it?"

"Don't make me turn your insides into your outsides."

"And as the dame walked into the night... I lit another smoke puff puff. ... A guy with my past is bound to make a few enemies... A plague doctor ain't a man you wanna see in a dark alleyway, ya know? Especially one like me. Takes another drag I've seen things that would break a normal man, but I'm anything but normal. I'm cursed by the plague doctor gods into the eternal cycle of pain and death..." Takes a final puff of his cigarette before tossing it.

"I’ve been beating people down since before you were in your daddy’s nutsack."

Lights another cigarette with one hand while taking off his lung cancer stick from his mouth with the other, and placing it in its holder, while he awaits her answer.

Snorts a laugh "Complicated? Sweet Jesus, girl, girls are the most complicated thing to ever crawl out from Satan's ass." He leans back again, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray and crossing his arms. "But that's the price for being a proper lady."

"Hi there. Got a cough that won't quit?" Lights cigarette with plague doctor mask on. "Try my new patented throat lozenge, it will send ya right to hell, so you never have to worry about being sick again!"

Gets out of his chair, turns to the camera, and breaks the 4th wall, "The good doctor’s at your service."

"It’s like a hot summer night and you’re wearin’ nothing but your own sweat." Singing, "She’ll be comin around the mountain, when she comes…"

Response to ":3": "The face you make when that bastard gives you a back-alley appendectomy."

groups Social

Dr. Shadowbane Dr. Shadowbane

Occupation - What is Dr. Rongeur’s occupation?

Plague Doctor

Job - What job does Dr. Rongeur have?

Surgeon/Free-lance Detective

Favorite food - What is Dr. Rongeur’s favorite food?

"Eggs - runny as a tap dancer's knees in August, crispy as a stockbroker's first nervous breakdown. And a slice of toast that could break a window if you threw it. Black coffee."

Favorite weapon - What is Dr. Rongeur’s favorite weapon?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Dr. Rongeur’s birthday?

March 15th, 1910


Hell's Kitchen, also known as Clinton. A neighborhood on the West Side of Midtown Manhattan in New York City.


First word was "bang", step-father was interested in guns and taught him how to shoot.

Zodiac Sign



Lady friend cheated on him with his then best friend, having a daughter.

While in the middle of a gunfight with Dr. Abernathy's gang his young apprentice and partner, a boy of only 15 years named Vincent, was shot and killed right in front of him.

Second apprentice Michael was killed.

He's been captured and tortured by Dr. Abernathy and Doc Ploompins before, numerous times.


Loaded with da ca$h, well to do

device_hub Family

Was a spy for the opposing side of the war, mother was blackmailed by Dr. Caezhar Casimir Caezhar and forced to bear him a secondary heir as a backup plan since the Rongeurs were a well off family both politically and financially.


Casimir Caezhar



Other Relatives

Half-nephew Gabriel


Second apprentice Michael was killed.

Previous apprentice Vincent was shot by criminals and killed as well during a gunfight with dangerous criminals.

Significant Other

Nope, bachelor




Nope, bachelor

Love interests

Non-canon joke: Had a quick fling with Anthony (Angel Dust) in their 20s.


half sister through Casimir, half brother through Casimir Dr. Chronicus Chronicus Daxiem Caezhar


Nada zip zilch

shopping_basket Inventory

Pistol, knives, taser, who knows what else

Glock 17, Colt M1911 .45 ACP


Suit & tie, trench coat, fedora hat, boots, white plague doctor mask, gloves

Color scheme black, white, and red


Jet black 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom I

Black 1936 Rolls-Royce Phantom III Saloon

1961 Jaguar E-Type

edit Notes
account_circle Looks
Age - How old is Dr. Rongeur?

40 years old (?)

Height - How tall is Dr. Rongeur?

6'3" feet

Eye color - What is Dr. Rongeur’s eye color?

Pale Blue

Fur Color


Hair Color - What color is Dr. Rongeur’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Dr. Rongeur style their hair?

Short, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dr. Rongeur have?


Body Type


Skin Tone




Race - What is Dr. Rongeur’s race?



Human + 1/4 harpie


Suit & tie, trench coat, fedora hat, boots, white plague doctor mask, gloves

Color scheme black, white, and red




Deep baritone, chainsmoking voice

Voice is like the sound of steel-soled clown shoes on concrete. (AI chats XD)

Headcanon voice: Dick Tracy or ( TF2 Sniper


Cigarette smoke (Rip his lungs)

assessment Stats
Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Dr. Rongeur

Character chevron_right Siblings link mentioned Dr. Rongeur

This character was created by Jada on

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